NEH - Status Stefan Moeller.

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Presentation on theme: "NEH - Status Stefan Moeller."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEH - Status Stefan Moeller

2 Outline XES Overview NEH Status AMO Plan Cornell Detector Schedule and Milestones Summary

3 XES Overview (WBS 1.6/2.6) 1.6.2 Controls:
Gunther Haller, PPA, Photon System Controls See talk: Photon Beam Controls 1.6.4 Laser System in NEH Bill White, LCLS Laser Group 1.6.7 Atomic Physics Instrument (AMO) John Bozek, Instrument Scientist, Lou DiMauro, Nora Berrah, AMO Science Team Nadine Kurita, LUSI Engineering Group see talk: AMO Early Science capability D X-ray Detector for CXI Niels van Bakel, Detector Physicist Sol Gruner Group at Cornell University 1.6.9 Mechanical Systems Eric Bong, SLAC MFD (Mech. Fab. Dep.) 1.6.6 Installation Installation team tbd 2.6.3 Commissioning Hal Tompkins, Photon Systems Commissioning See talk: FEE/FEL Overview Commissioning Plans

4 XES Overview (WBS 1.6/2.6) 1.6.2 Controls:
D X-ray Detector for CXI Niels van Bakel, Detector Physicist Sol Gruner Group at Cornell University 1.6.9 Mechanical Systems Eric Bong, SLAC MFD (Mech. Fab. Dep.) 1.6.6 Installation Installation team tbd 2.6.3 Commissioning Hal Tompkins, Photon Systems Commissioning See talk: FEE/FEL Overview Commissioning Plans 1.6.2 Controls: Gunther Haller, PPA, Photon System Controls See talk: Photon Beam Controls 1.6.4 Laser System in NEH Bill White, LCLS Laser Group 1.6.7 Atomic Physics Instrument (AMO) John Bozek, Instrument Scientist, Lou DiMauro, Nora Berrah, AMO Science Team Nadine Kurita, LUSI Engineering Group see talk: AMO Early Science capability

5 NEH Status May 08 AMO Instrument final design phase Mechanical Systems
Drawings >57% complete All ESDs are completed Controls PDR 4/08 AMO Preliminary Hazard Analysis Document being finalized Long lead procurements starting Mechanical Systems PPS stoppers and hutch doors in fabrication Ready for installation in 7/09 XES laser system PRDs for Laser system and LSS completed ESD for Laser transport controls 3/08 PDR for laser and transport system May 21 Quotes are in hand for tables and laser components Laser SOP reviewed by LSO and LSC May 6 Installation Cable plant are being designed, contracts are being placed

6 AMO: Current Plan AMO Phase 1: Early capabilities for first light in 7/09 AMO Phase 2: Full scope capabilities for end of project (11/09) AMO procurements pushed out of FY08 to October 2008 Phase 1 components: Chambers, stands, vacuum Electron TOF (5) Ion TOF Ion imaging detector Sample system Laser optics Diagnostics Alignment laser Beam viewing paddles (5) Beam viewing screen for single pulse diagnostics (2) Pulse energy sensor (XTOD thermal) Diagnostic sample system Beam stop XES Laser Refocus KB System Phase 2 components: X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer Transmission grating Elliptically bent crystal Ion momentum spectrometer Diagnostics magnetic bottle Single Pulse shutter (BCR)

7 AMO Schedule Begin long lead procurements 5/08
Final Design complete 8/08 Procurements 10/08 Start Receiving hardware 12/08 Receive XES Laser 3/09 Install Laser /09 AMO Assembly and test 12/08 - 4/09 Install AMO (phase 1) in hutch 5/09 – 6/09 Test AMO 7/09 Final readiness test 7/09 1st x-rays to AMO instrument 7/09 AMO Phase 2 installed by 11/09 → No float in schedule for early science in 7/09

8 Risks and Mitigation Bulk of the procurements in 10/09
Plan procurements very carefully LCLS budget authority in early FY09 may delay AMO schedule Not a CD4 risk, only to first AMO science Testing phase is compressed Pre-assembly and - test strategy No float schedule to first science in 7/09 Delay early science goal to FY10

9 Mitigation AMO Instrument Integration Team AMO Design Team
AMO, Controls, Safety, CAM, Design, Laser, etc representative Plan final design and integration carefully Address and control last changes and issues quickly Safety ISM AMO Design Team Work closely with LUSI engineering group Tracking status of drawings Rapid response to staffing requirements Detailed Procurement plan Detailed plan for fabrication, staging, QA, assembly, baking, testing with controls Installation in hutch Commissioning

10 Cornell 2D Detector 2D pixel array detector for CXI instrument
Collaboration with Sol Gruner Group at Cornell Univ. LDAC Review #6 in May 5-6, 2008 Good review Demonstrated a working bump bonded detector Detailed testing of chip is continuing Go forward plan is being reviewed Integration with SLAC DAQ system Mechanical packaging done at SLAC Coordinated with CXI Received bump bonded chip in May 08 Delivery of Final Detector at SLAC in May 2009

11 Mechanical Design Overview
Light shroud (cover removed) Cooling coil Quadrant board Combines signals from 16 ASIC’s 1 FPGA/quadrant Double detector package 4 ASIC’s 2 pixel array detectors Martin Nordby, Matt Swift PPA Mech. Eng.

12 Detector Packaging —Front View
Flex circuit boards (connectors not shown) Front End Board One board per detector Part of detector assembly Double-Detector Package Module is assembled and fully tested prior to installing Detectors aligned to pin holes in package feet Aluminum strongback ASIC’s Pixel array detectors Martin Nordby, Matt Swift PPA Mech. Eng.

13 Quadrant Board and Electrical Interfaces
Quadrant raft provides structural support and stability for the double-detector packages Feet mount on quadrant raft through holes in the quadrant boards This is also the thermal path Quadrant boards provide grounding, power, and signal interface to the PAD detector package 1 flex cable per detector 1 FPGA on each quadrant board Cold strap Quadrant raft Mounting feet Double-detector package (4 per quadrant) Detector Quadrant board 2 Martin Nordby, Matt Swift PPA Mech. Eng. Quadrant board 1

14 Front View—1 mm Aperture
Martin Nordby, Matt Swift PPA Mech. Eng.

15 Front View—6 mm Aperture
Martin Nordby, Matt Swift PPA Mech. Eng.

16 Front View—10 mm Aperture
Martin Nordby, Matt Swift PPA Mech. Eng.

17 XES L3 Milestones Level 3 FY09 Award XES Laser System 11/08
Stoppers certified in El. Dump 3/09 FEE/NEH PPS certified 6/09 Start Installation in NEH 6/09 2D Detector shipped to SLAC 6/09 First x-rays into NEH 8/09 XES Laser Operating in NEH 8/09 XES Start Installation in FEH 8/09 AMO Ready for Basic Experiments 9/09 FY10 TUN/NEH PPS certified 12/09

18 6 Month Look Ahead PPS System PPS RSC review 6/08 XES Management:
FDR PPS 7/08 Complete fab of stoppers and doors 7/08 Cornell Detector: Complete Test of full lot #1 6/08 Complete mechanical packaging 7/08 Final full lot submission 7/08 LDAC Review #7 10/08 Installation Prepare all cable contracts 7/08 Hutch doors 7/08 Electron Dump stoppers 10/08 XES Management: Detail Installation plan 5/08 XES Controls PDR of all controls systems 6/08 FDR by 10/08 Purchase of components 10/08 XES Laser Award 10/08 Laser safety review (SOC) 11/08 AMOS Final Design & Finalize safety assessment 7/08 Start Long lead 5/08 Procure hardware 10/08 Award LBL KB optics contract 10/08

19 Summary XES is working towards an ambitious schedule for early AMO science in 7/09 Multiple risks exist and are being managed Work is on schedule, coordination between all involved groups is excellent

20 NEH

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