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How do our experiences and/or culture determine what we interpret?

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Presentation on theme: "How do our experiences and/or culture determine what we interpret?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do our experiences and/or culture determine what we interpret?
By Jamison Patanapanich Keavash Misaghi Lizzy Wing Hannah Morse

2 Our past experiences and cultures heavily affect the way that we interpret things.
During this PowerPoint, we will provide information on how our cultures or experiences determine how we interpret certain things. We will also include examples from the text to support our opinion. The excerpts will be taken from “Nolan Ryan”, “New Exhibit: Let the Good Times Roll: A Tribute to Rhythm and Blues”, and “Making Fantasy Real”.

3 The way that we are raised truly affects the way we interpret things.
“Ryan holds almost 50 major league records.” Page 576 We think that this is a fantastic accomplishment We grew up watching baseball on television and playing baseball from a very young age, so we know how incredible this accomplishment is.

4 Education on a subject can affect the way we interpret things.
“It was rhythm and blues that provided one of the foundations for rock and roll… rhythm and blues also continued the development of rock and roll.” page 489 We agree that rhythm and blues was an important part of the evolution of music and American culture. We have learned about the history and development of rhythm and blues, so we know how much rhythm and blues contributed to the growth of other genres of music as well as the American culture.

5 Having different experiences can affect the way we interpret things
“But his main contribution was to make us look more sharply at daily life through the windows of his imagination.” page 694 We agree that Andersen helped children like us open our imagination with his creative stories. We grew up reading Andersen’s tales, so we experienced Andersen’s classic stories and we were able to see through Andersen’s perspective.

6 Conclusion Our cultures and experiences do affect the way we interpret things. The way that we are raised, how much we have learned, and our past experiences all affect how we interpret things. Our reactions and actions in certain situations are the result of our thoughts. In most cases, our thoughts are partly based on our cultures and past experiences.

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