If you don’t give credit to a source, you are plagiarizing.

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Presentation on theme: "If you don’t give credit to a source, you are plagiarizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you don’t give credit to a source, you are plagiarizing.
How to correctly cite your sources in a research paper: A guide to parenthetical citations and writing a Works Cited page. If you don’t give credit to a source, you are plagiarizing.

2 Your citation / quotation:
Is suppose to strengthen your paper. You are picking a quotation that supports your topic. If you are stating that the Great Depression was an important historical event in the 1930s, then you should search for a quote that states this. If you are saying that the Hank Aaron was the most influential athlete of his time, find a quote that says this. This is a parenthetical citation – Using another person’s thoughts/words to support your idea.

3 Parenthetical citations from Ask Me No Questions and To Kill a Mockingbird:
“If you know how to breathe, you can get through anything” (Budhos 116). “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (Lee 119).

4 After you excerpt a quotation, you write the author’s name and page # in parenthesis.
Or you can be fancy and say: According to Atticus in Harper Lee’s novel, “it is a sin to kill a mockingbird” (119). There will be cases when there are NO AUTHORS and/or NO PAGE NUMBERS such as a website citation. We will discuss this later.

5 Parenthetical citation = Quotation from a source
Always give credit for any idea, information, or actual words that you get from another source. A parenthetical citation is citing a quotation from a book, website, encyclopedia, etc, and using it in your paper.

6 In a parenthetical citation, always include the author and page number at the end of a sentence in which you use that source. The period goes after the parentheses. EXAMPLE: Dallas Winston would do anything for his friend Johnny. In chapter 8 he states, “we gotta get even with the Socs. For Johnny” (Hinton 125).

7 Citations with an Author
PRINT SOURCE: Make sure you write the author’s last name and page number. “quotation” (Milano 23). ONLINE SOURCE: (author’s last name) (Don’t ever write the web address in parenthesis)

8 Without an Author Reference Books – (no author) DO NOT USE EDITOR’S NAME – Instead, shorten the title of the article and italicize it. Website without an author – Do the same as above!

9 I.C.E Citation – Put quotation marks around the source’s words
Introduce the citation using a phrase such as: FOR EXAMPLE, IN FACT, IT HAS BEEN PROVEN Citation – Put quotation marks around the source’s words Explain – You must then explain what the quote means and connect it to your ideas.

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