ImpromptMe Conference

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Presentation on theme: "ImpromptMe Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 ImpromptMe Conference
Happy attendee, loyal attendee

2 The story of a typical event organizer...

3 You start selling the tickets months prior the event
As the event approaches, schedule & spears list is beginning to crystalize You try to update attendees about changes in program via Your doors open and hundreds of people show up to check-in.... Trying to communicate last-minute changes regarding program Trying to curate networking opportunities among attendees… Trying to collect reviews, hoping to get an idea about the quality of speaker, food, networking, location….

4 The story of smart, modern event organizer
Vs. The story of smart, modern event organizer

5 You start selling the tickets months, already promoting the game-changing experience ***
2-3 weeks before the event you invite your attendees to the app, where all info is provided Keep your attendees informed at every point about: Schedule, last-minute changes, map, afterparty… ...while gaining precious data about & people's plans preferences even before the event Doors open: Check-in your attendees quickly, efficiently and without lines! Prepare enough meeting spots for your attendees based on data Update attendees on any last minute updates, including changes to schedule via in-app notifications Collect feedback on talks, speakers, meetings & event in general effortlessly via app

6 The story of a typical, troubled attendee...

7 Buys the ticket for your event
Checks your website for event info - speakers, schedule of talks & workshops... Tries to find out who else is going to be there & contact them in advance…. Arrives to the event, waits 30 minutes in the queue… Runs to that talk he doesn't want to miss Just to find out it was moved Tries to set up a few meeting… Back & forth msgs just to find out time slot when both are free... Leaves the event unhappy, feeling unsure of the investment...

8 The story of happy, loyal attendee...
Vs. The story of happy, loyal attendee...

9 Buys a ticket, excited about great event to be
2-3 weeks prior the event receives with access to the app Previews speakers & talks… Creates his personal agenda Views & filters relevant conference attendees Schedules meeting with selected attendees with 3 clicks or less - already selecting time slot suitable to both Shows up to the events with a fully created personal agenda, full of meetings & lectures Leaves with a great feeling, ready to come back to your next event

10 The product Software solution for organizers, who aim to make their events outstanding in the eyes of their attendees. Consists out of 2 parts 1st - Organizer console Enables organizer to customise app environment, upload data, communicate with attendees and track attendees engagement 2nd - App for attendees Web, iOS and Android app for attendees to them navigate throughout the event and easily schedule in-person meetups with others

11 Advantages Our unique networking created based on almost 2 years of research of different attendee’s personas, solving all of their major struggles Fully customizable app to match needs of different conferences & events Industry standard: logos, colors, modules Our standard: logos, colors, modules, roles, fields profiles (speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, attendees), filters & discovery settings Created with the long-term development plan in mind -> allowing us to keep adding new modules frequently with an ease

12 Customization Customization is set via organizer console.
Logo & color scheme Different login (ticketing) systems Modules Info on profiles App language User roles Access time for attendees

13 1:1 meeting scheduling 3 taps to schedule meeting:
Select person > select meeting time > finalize the invitation For smaller events which are not primarily structured around 1:1 meetings, place is selected by users while creating an invitation

14 Filters & Privacy setting
Filters & privacy settings give to user complete control over who he sees while searching for people but also who can see and invite him Parameters are set by organizer based on event requirements in the console. Typical parameters may include for example: Company Industry Position Seniority Reason for attending Skills

15 Roles Each attendee may carry a different role based on ticket purchased - same principle as with name-tags. The role is visible to others and may be used for filtering among attendees Organizer may use it to unlock certain modules & features (such as info visible) to specific attendees only

16 We believe that everything begins with a handshake… Do you…?
ImpromptMe We believe that everything begins with a handshake… Do you…? sorry, no takto je to asi predsa lepsie ako ten pruzok, bolo to take necelistve

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