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Bellringer Solve: 8 * –(-2) = -(90 / 10)= Answer: 16 -9.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Solve: 8 * –(-2) = -(90 / 10)= Answer: 16 -9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Solve: 8 * –(-2) = -(90 / 10)= Answer: 16 -9

2 Examples 7 = 7 10 = 10 -100 = 100 5 - 8 = -3= 3

3 Go Over Homework

4 Ch. 1-3 Adding & Subtracting Integers

5 Additive Inverses Two numbers whose sum is zero. -9 + 9 = 0
8 – 8 = 0 rewrite as 8 + (-8) = 0 C + (-C) = 0

6 Ch. 1-3 Adding and Subtracting Integers Steps
Big Rocks 1.) Rewrite if needed - Whenever you see two negatives side by side rewrite as one positive. Ex: 7 – (- 8) = 7 + 8 - (-8) means -1(-8) which simplifies to +8 2.) Same Signs – If signs are the same ADD. Add the numbers and keep the sign of whatever they are. Example: = = -5

7 Adding Integers - Same Sign
We can show this same idea using a number line. 9 -5 5 10 -10 What is 5 + 4? Move five (5) units to the right from zero. Now move four more units to the right. The final point is at 9 on the number line. Therefore, = 9.

8 Adding Integers - Same Sign
-9 -5 5 10 -10 What is -5 + (-4)? Move five (5) units to the left from zero. Now move four more units to the left. The final point is at -9 on the number line. Therefore, -5 + (-4) = -9.

9 Ch. 1-7 Adding and Subtracting Integers Steps
Big Rocks 1.) Rewrite if needed - Whenever you see two negatives side by side rewrite as one positive. Ex: 7 – (- 8) = 7 + 8 - (-8) means -1(-8) which simplifies to +8 2.) Same Signs – If signs are the same ADD. Add the numbers and keep the sign of whatever they are. Example: = = -5 3.) Different Signs – If signs are different subtract. Subtract the numbers and keep the sign of the number with the greatest absolute number. Example: 2 + (-3) = = 1

10 Ch. 1-7 Adding and Subtracting Integers Steps
Big Rocks 1.) Rewrite if needed - Whenever you see two negatives side by side rewrite as one positive. Ex: 7 – (- 8) = 7 + 8 - (-8) means -1(-8) which simplifies to +8 2.) Same Signs – If signs are the same ADD. Add the numbers and keep the sign of whatever they are. Example: = = -5 3.) Different Signs – If signs are different subtract. Subtract the numbers and keep the sign of the greater number. Example: 2 + (-3) = = 1 3 – 2 = 1 3 – 2 = 1 |3| = |-2| = 2 |-3| = |2| = 2 Positive Negative 2 + (-3) = 1 2 + (-3) = -1

11 Adding Integers - Different Signs
Add the following integers: (-4) + 7. -5 5 10 -10 Start at zero and move four units to the left. Now move seven units to the right. Are the signs the same? The final position is at 3. Therefore, (-4) + 7 = 3. Subtract or add? If Subtract – answer has the sign of the number that has the largest absolute value

12 Adding Integers - Different Signs
-5 5 10 -10 Start at zero and move nine places to the left. Now move three places to the right. The final position is at negative six, (-6). Therefore, (-9) + 3 = -6.

13 Example 1: Add the following integers.
a.) 5 + (-2) b.) c.) Different Subtract Same Different 3 -22 -4 AV = + Add Subtract AV = - (neg) Example 2: Subtract the following integers. a.) 12 – (-15) b.) -8 – c.) 10 – 12 Same Rewrite - - = + Different Add Same = -2 = 27 Subtract = -12 Add AV = - (neg) Example 3: Write an expression for the scenario below and evaluate the answer. a.) An airplane descended 120 ft. and rose 140 ft. Different Subtract = AV = + 20 ft.

14 Example 4: Evaluate each expression below by substituting numbers in for the variables. x = 5 y = -6
a.) x – y b.) x + y c.) 2x - y 5 – (-6) = 5 + (-6) 2(5) – (-6) = Rewrite - - = + Different Rewrite - - = + Subtract 10 + 6 5 + 6 = Same Same AV = - (neg.) Add Add = -1 = 11 = 16

15 Which is equivalent to -12 – (-3)?
12 + 3 12 - 3 Answer Now

16 7 – (-2) = ? -9 -5 5 9 Answer Now

17 |7| – |-2| = ? -9 -5 5 9 Answer Now

18 |-4 – (-3)| = ? -1 1 7 Purple Answer Now

19 Homework Time Textbook page 18, problem 12-36 even
write out steps like in your notes Rewrite S Same d Different A Add s Subtract +- largest AB

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