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Rotherham Together Partnership (RTP) Community Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Rotherham Together Partnership (RTP) Community Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotherham Together Partnership (RTP) Community Strategy
RTP meeting, 9th November 2016

2 Consultation 13th April – CEOs away day
8th June – workshop with RTP members/CEOs 21st July – VCS consultation session 17th Aug – young people’s wizardry & magic event 10th/11th Sept – Rotherham Show

3 The strategy Concentrate on the “game changers” partners will deliver between now and 2025 Maintain the partnership plan’s focus on: Bringing people together Opportunity and equality Welcoming places Underpinned by commitment to ongoing communication, engagement and involvement

4 Town centre regeneration
A consistent top priority for local people Masterplan to be developed by April 2017 following adoption of Supplementary Planning Document in August. Likely to include: Leisure hub at Forge Island Residential units on key sites Improving gateways & opening up the riverside Improving linkages to key sites (i.e. Clifton Park to town centre) Connected “green network” to deliver a healthy living corridor (improved walking/cycling routes in and around the town centre)

5 Higher level skills centre
School leavers good results – one of the best in the region and above national average since 2012 Rotherham below Y&H and GB for attainment at NVQ4 and above Address this gap to help drive business investment and growth RNN seeking to provide increased HE provision within the town centre Doncaster Gate identified as preferred site and negotiations for sale progressing SCR funding for some of the build is being assessed

6 Rotherham Higher Level Skills Centre
Visuals: main entrance off Doncaster Gate

7 Advanced manufacturing
Build on global success achieved at AMP to create an advanced manufacturing & innovation district (AMID) An integrated metropolitan hub of world-leading hi-tech, innovative companies and communities where people can live, work and visit

8 Jobs Growth strategy – create 10,000 net new (private sector) jobs by 2025 Match skills provision with business need (colleges/skills providers working together with businesses) Range of job opportunities – accessible to all (entry level upwards)

9 SCR Integrated Employment Support Pilot
Challenge: co-ordinated employment support for individuals with severe and/or complex barriers to work Why? Transforming performance, achieving saving Key cohorts: health conditions & disabilities, low skills, unstable housing, weak work histories, lone parents Pilot go-live Autumn 2017 – 4,500 individuals in SCR over 2.5yrs Also progressing Work and Health Unit Innovation Fund - £4.7M project to complement the above

10 Housing Rotherham Local Plan – 15 year plan for the future development of the borough Opportunity of a decent home and job for all Bassingthorpe Farm strategic site (2400 homes) Waverley New Community (2900 homes) 14371 new homes between 99 sites for new homes identified

11 Integrated health and social care
Vision: supporting people and families to live independently in the community, with prevention and self-management at the heart of our delivery Integrated locality model: “The Village” Urgent and emergency care centre opening 2017 24/7 care coordinating centre Specialist reablement centre Widening the successful Social Prescribing Service

12 Locality working Reshaping how partners work together in local communities Community assets – physical spaces & buildings, organisations and clubs, individual skills & talents Rotherham estates forum – rationalising & making best use of public sector buildings Different footprints but common ethos


14 Child-centred borough
A place where the wellbeing of children, young people and their families is paramount Just over one fifth of children live in a low income family – around 50% in most deprived areas It’s about: Children getting a good start in life Young people reaching their potential A friendly and safe place for families Actions for all partners and theme boards

15 Building stronger communities
Age friendly places – recognising an ageing population Connecting individuals, families and communities Reducing loneliness and isolation Inter-generational activities Volunteering

16 Communication & engagement
Ongoing engagement via face-to-face sessions, events, website, Twitter, bulletin Acting on the feedback and reporting back Deliver place-shaping strategy – changing Rotherham’s image and defining what we stand for Celebrating success – less reticent about the things we do well

17 Next steps Take your feedback
Produce designed draft of strategy by end December Sign off early 2017 prior to joint launch with the place-shaping work

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