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By: Kirsten Futch. Ultraviolet light UV radiation Rubber bands Paper Dyes.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Kirsten Futch. Ultraviolet light UV radiation Rubber bands Paper Dyes."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Kirsten Futch

2 Ultraviolet light UV radiation Rubber bands Paper Dyes

3 If I put rubber out in the sunlight it will then loose its elasticity, if I put ink out in the sun it will then fade, and if I put paper out in the sun it will then crumble up.

4 The independent variable: The amount of time the sun hits the object. The dependant variable: The color of the dye, the effects on the paper, and the stretchiness of the rubber bands.

5 The temperature The kind of paper The type of dye The type of rubber The position the items are in

6 Two UV lamps Paper Magazine Newspaper gift wrap rubber bands aluminum foil aluminum pans

7 First we put the rubber bands in aluminum pans. Then we put aluminum foil tapped around it so the heat wouldnt go out. Next, we put the ink (magazine, gift wrap, and newspaper samples) under the UV lamp. We covered half of each ink sample with black construction paper so you could see the effects. After that, we put the equally cut pieces of paper under the UV lamp.

8 Rubber bandsControl48 hours exposure ColorTanLight-tan Feel in touchRough and Rubbery Smooth ElasticityA lot of elasticityLess elasticity

9 Sample inkMost affected by the UV light NewspaperMost effected Gift wrapMedium effected MagazineLeast effected

10 PaperColor After 48 hour exposure paper White Controlled paperWhite

11 In conclusion, the rubber that was under the UV lamp lost its elasticity and, the ink turned yellow-ish, the paper stayed white. I hypothesized that rubber would loose its elasticity, the ink would fade, and the paper would crumble up. So my hypothesis for the rubber was right, but the other two I was wrong.


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