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Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse

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1 Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse
Mesquite ISD Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse

2 Reporting Child Abuse is the Law.
All public educators are mandated reporters. We are required by law to report any suspicion of abuse, neglect or exploitation to The Department of Family and Protective Services(CPS).

3 Two Ways to Report: Texas Abuse Hotline: 1-800-252-5400
Online: If it is an emergency(serious injuries, injuries to the face or head, sexual abuse or you believe the child could be in imminent danger) involve your SRO or call 911.

4 Nothing to Prove You are only obligated to report suspicions. You don’t need to investigate, prove or disprove a child’s account before reporting. If you are concerned, report it. If the child makes an outcry, report it. If you wonder if you should, report it.

5 Please Never: Interrogate or interview a child about abuse. Once they make an outcry, try to reassure them and report it appropriately. You don’t need a lot of details. CPS and law enforcement will investigate and get that information. Never ask a child to write a statement about their abuse

6 Outcries of sexual abuse
Children will often blurt out accounts of sexual abuse. Once they do, don’t ask more questions. Reassure the child they are safe, give them comfort, and involve police immediately. Police will direct you from there. With sexual abuse outcries, the goal is for the child to only have to tell their story once. Involve your counselor quickly. They are trained to deal with sexual abuse outcries.

7 Signs of Physical Abuse
Bruises, welts or swelling Sprains or fractures Burns Lacerations or abrasions Frequent physical complaints, such as stomachaches and headaches Fatigue Bedwetting Behavioral Signs: Behavior extremes, such as appearing overly compliant and passive or very demanding and aggressive. Withdrawn and/or overly sensitive behaviors Increased fear or avoidance of a specific person and/or situation Difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings Substance use Changes in eating and sleeping patterns Anxiety and/or excessive worrying

8 Signs of Emotional Abuse
Low self-esteem Uncharacteristic obedience or perfectionism Strong feelings of shame or guilt Programmed statements or behaviors

9 Signs of Sexual Abuse Difficulty in walking or sitting
Torn, stained or bloody clothing Pain or itching in the genital area; bruises or bleeding in the external genital area Sexually transmitted infections or diseases Pregnancy Knowledge of or interest in sexual behaviors that are not age appropriate Low self-esteem High sense of guilt or shame Promiscuity Fear of men Fear of being touched Aggression

10 HELP Reporting concerns and suspicions is the only way to ensure we are doing our best to protect children from abuse and to get them help.

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