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E-Safety for everyone Be careful of anything on the internet.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Safety for everyone Be careful of anything on the internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Safety for everyone Be careful of anything on the internet.
All you need to know about E-safety by a Year 5 student called Harry from Dunston Primary School. Made during the ICT Primary Links visits in May 2010

2 How To Keep Safe On The Internet
Don’t do any of these things The way how to keep safe on the internet is to never do any of these things: Never give out personal information about you or friends and family. Don’t arrange to meet people anywhere. Don’t give out pin numbers or anything like that which are really safe to you and your family. If someone is being mean to you report them or tell an adult.

3 Never give out personal information
Never give out personal information such as: Your Postcode Address Phone number Car registration address Pin number etc Never give out personal information

4 Cyber bullying is a bad thing.
Cyber bullying is where someone bullies you online and if that ever happens to you tell a responsible adult. Cyber bullying is a bad thing it happens to over 2000 people per year. Cyber bullying is a bad thing.

5 Chat rooms can be dangerous
Chat rooms can be dangerous sometimes because people can say rude and mean things about you. Chat rooms include talking pages where you can talk to each other, here is a list of chat rooms: Facebook Bebo Twitter Club Penguin MSN (windows live messenger) Moshi monsters and so on. Chat rooms can be dangerous

6 Hope you enjoyed year 5’s presentation!
The End Hope you enjoyed year 5’s presentation! Hope you enjoyed year 5’s presentation on e-safety. Year 5 have been going to Branston community college to learn about e-safety which means electronic safety.

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