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“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride!”

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Presentation on theme: "“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride!”
- John F. Kennedy Introduce yourself and your background. Thank your host for inviting you to this meeting.

2 The League of Michigan Bicyclists is a member supported not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of bicycling and the safety of bicyclists on the roads in Michigan since in 1981. Read the slide to give audience a sense of who LMB is and what you represent.

3 About Children and Bicycles
“What Parents Need to Know” About Children and Bicycles Introduce the presentation ... first click gives you What Parents Need to Know and second click gives you about children and bicycles. Presented by: League of Michigan Bicyclists

4 Brain pain is no good! Read the slide and make a comment about how important helmets are. Such as children are an important asset for our future and it is important to protect what they are learning at school and home.

5 Discuss how to fit a helmet properly
Discuss how to fit a helmet properly. First click gives you the top – 2 finger slide. 2nd click gives you the bottom left – v over the ear slide and 3rd click gives you the slide with the chin strap test.

6 Wearing a helmet can reduce risk of head injury by up to 85%.
As you briefly discuss what a helmet can do in an accident this is a good point to have a prop such as a helmet that you drop to demonstrate the violence of the rider hitting the pavement. A helmet with rattles in it dropped from shoulder height makes a devilish noise and gets peoples attention.

7 Introduce proper bike fit
Introduce proper bike fit. Kids come in different sizes, just as bikes do. The kids here are on properly fitted bikes. Image if they were on the other bike. Stress the importance of not buying a bike too big so that the child can “grow” into it.

8 Discuss how it is difficult to see the children on the sides with dark clothing. While the children in the middle are easier to see because of light clothing. Introduce the importance of visibility.

9 The first click on this slide brings up the outside to picture
The first click on this slide brings up the outside to picture. Contrast the dark clothing of the child with the bright visible clothing of the policeman. The next click will bring the middle picture. With the addition of a highly visible vest the winter coat can still be used.

10 A B C Quick Check Discus the importance of the parents maintaining the bike for the child. The 2nd click will bring up the ABC Quick Check words.

11 A is for “air” B is for “brakes” C is for “chain” Quick Check
The first click will bring up A. Talk about making sure the tires are inflated properly, the tires are in good condition, the wheels are in good condition, etc. The 2nd click brings up B. Talk about brakes working properly. The 3rd click brings up C. Talk about the condition of the chain and the drive train. You might also mention here deraileurs if the child has such a bike. The 4th click brings up Quick check. Discuss doing a quick assessment that everything is working before you ride . Quick Check

12 RIDING SKILLS Starting & stopping
Entering street - look left, look right, look left again Braking Riding under control - be predictable Scanning behind Avoiding hazards and hazardous road conditions These are the riding skills that parents need to make sure their children know and can do.

13 Where to Ride Sidewalks (< age 10) Multi Use Paths (all ages)
Street (>age 10) 1st click – Sidewalks – According to SR2S and the League of American Bicyclists children under the age of 10 should ride on the sidewalks, unless accompanied by a parent. 2nd Click – Multi use Paths – Children of all ages can enjoy and use paths 3rd Click – Street – If you as the parent feel comfortable and allow it, children over the age of 10 normally are ready to ride on the street by themselves.

14 Obey traffic signs & laws Intersections, turns & hand signals
To the right Single file Obey traffic signs & laws Intersections, turns & hand signals Wear bright (visible) clothing If they are allowed on the street they should follow these safety rules.

15 Means of transportation
Health & Wellness The environment Means of transportation 1st Click – art work only – The bicycle can do so many things to help our society. 2nd Click – It can play a key role in preventing obesity and other diseases. 3rd Click – The bicycle is a non-polluting environmentally friendly vehicle. 4th Click – the bicycle is an excellent means of transportation.

16 It’s the Law! A bicyclist has the same rights and duties as a motor vehicle when riding on a street or roadway Ride to the right ... Exceptions include: Turning Left Passing When unsafe Straight at right turn lane One way street Signal Turns Obey Traffic Signals Once more cover in broad strokes what the law is and what it covers.

17 League of Michigan Bicyclists 888-642-4537
Question and Answers Thank the audience for being there and ask for any questions? League of Michigan Bicyclists

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