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Inside the Cell Unit 2: The Cell.

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1 Inside the Cell Unit 2: The Cell

2 EUKARYOTES: organism whose cells contain a
Membrane-bound nucleus Other organelles PROKARYOTES: unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus Lack other cell organelles Example: bacteria, blue-green algae

3 Organelle: cell component that performs specific functions for the cell

4 NUCLEUS Function: controls what happens within the cell
“brain” of the cell Contains DNA which is usually all tangled up (condensed) in the form of CHROMATIN The nucleus is surrounded by the NUCLEAR MEMBRANE which controls what enters and leaves the nucleus “control center”

5 NUCLEOLUS: dark region inside the nucleus
Produces ribosomes RIBOSOMES Function: synthesis of proteins Interprets code from RNA Found on ROUGH Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Also within cytoplasm “factory machine”

6 CYTOPLASM Function: gives the cell shape, holds organelles Jelly like substance liquid portion of cell; gives the cell some shape “factory floor” LYSOSOME *Function: Contains enzymes that digest excess or worn out cell parts, food, or invaders waste disposal unit

Function: delivery system for cell Folded membrane forming a network of connected tubes Rough ER: studded with ribosomes, transports proteins Smooth ER: has no ribosomes

8 VACUOLES Function: temporary storage areas for food, water, enzymes and wastes Special types: Contractile vacuole: pumps out excess water in single-celled water dwelling organisms Central vacuole: large vacuole found in plants, used for water storage

9 GOLGI APPARATUS Function: Stores and distributes materials into vacuoles Stacked, flattened sacs “assembly line”—customization shop for finishing touches before leaving the factory

10 MITOCHONDRIA “powerhouse” of cell
Function: Releases energy from food molecules (site of cellular respiration, ATP molecules made here) Has its own DNA (maternal only) Found in both animal and plant cells Cells that needs more energy have more mitochondria Ex: muscles, growing cells, areas of repair

11 CHLOROPLASTS Function: Site of photosynthesis Found in plant cells (not animal cells) Contains pigment called chlorophyll

12 *Forms framework to help maintain shape
CYTOSKELETON Function: *Forms framework to help maintain shape *Tiny rods that crisscross the cell *May be microfilaments or microtubules

13 CILIA Hairlike projections that move in waves FLAGELLA Long tail-like projection that moves in whip-like motion


15 Review the Parts

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