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Presentation on theme: "Cabunyag-fuerzas-agala-gaspar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cabunyag-fuerzas-agala-gaspar
Watercolor Effect Cabunyag-fuerzas-agala-gaspar

2 Step 1: start of by heading up to file and then new
2 1 Width: 1280 | height: 720 and then press ok 3

3 Step 2: now head up to filter and then Filter gallery
1 Select filter gallery and then texture and texturizer Scaling: 150% | relief 3 Press ok when done Note: be sure you`re on the `background` layer 2

4 Step 3: now we`re going to drag and drop our already cut out image
1 2 3 Note: hold shift while dragging. So the resolution stays the same If you need to resize. Press ctrl + t or right click on the image and choose free transform

5 Step 4: head back up to image -adjustments and the vibrance
1 2 Turn down the saturation so that it`s almost black and white. -80 works well. Then press ok.

6 Step 5: head back up to image-adjustments and then brightness/contrast
1 2 Increase the brightness to about 50 And then press ok

7 Step 6: select filter and then filter gallery
Select artistic and then water color Brush detail: 14 shadow intensity: 0 texture: 1 And then press ok

8 step 7: select the mask tool
foreground background Make sure black is set for your foreground. Mask tool

9 Step 8: select the brush tool. Then select the water color brushes

10 Step 9: the watercolor design step (brush settings)
Note: increase brush size (]) Decrease brush size ([) 1 Start off by deleting the hair and the outline. Use many different brushes

11 Step 10: the watercolor design step (layer setup)
2 Create a new layer and bring the new layer below the masked image. Select the brush tool again and start creating the effects like so! Now you can select a nice color for the watercolor effect!

12 FINISHED product

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