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Abandon to leave behind or desert Definition: Parts of Speech:

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Presentation on theme: "Abandon to leave behind or desert Definition: Parts of Speech:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Abandon to leave behind or desert Definition: Parts of Speech:
Synonym: Antonym: Keep Parts of Speech: verb to leave behind or desert Ditch Harvey is going to abandon his dreams of ever becoming a famous actor..

2 Abandon

3 Access Word used in a sentence Definition:
Sounds Like: Synonym: Entry, passage Antonym: Outlet Parts of Speech: Noun a way in, or the right to go in Only the celebrity’s bodyguards were given access to her dressing room. Word used in a sentence

4 Access

5 The polar bears are having to adapt to climate changes.
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Conform Antonym: Reject Parts of Speech: Verb to change in order to fit a new situation The polar bears are having to adapt to climate changes.

6 Adaptation of the Peppered Moths

7 Leroy was anxious to know if he had made the basketball team.
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Brave Parts of Speech: Adjective greatly worried or eager Afraid Leroy was anxious to know if he had made the basketball team. Word used in a sentence

8 Anxious

9 Recount Word used in a sentence Definition: to tell in detail
Sounds Like: Synonym: Describe, report Antonym: Conceal, suppress Parts of Speech: Verb Word used in a sentence Sophie tried to recount the daily adventures of her vacation in the Amazon

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