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Vocabulary Unit 3.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 3

2 bluff (adj) direct and outspoken in a good-natured way
(n) a steep, high cliff or bank (n) an attempt to fool someone (v) to deceive or trick; to try to fool others by putting on a confident front

3 cautious (adj) avoiding unnecessary risks or mistakes

4 consist (v) (used with of) to be made up of

5 despise (v) to look down on intensely or feel contempt for, dislike strongly

6 haven (n) a safe place; a refuge

7 miniature (v) a very small copy, model, or painting
(adj) on a very small scale

8 monarch (n) a person who rules over a kingdom or empire

9 obstacle (n) something that gets in the way

10 postpone (v) to put off until later

11 straggle (v) to stay off or trail behind; to spread out in a scattered fashion

12 treacherous (adj) likely to betray; seemingly safe but actually dangerous

13 vivid (adj) bright and sharp, giving a clear picture; full of life

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