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U.S. History: Unit 9 Review Life at the Turn of the Century

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1 U.S. History: Unit 9 Review Life at the Turn of the Century 1870-1915
Assessment Review 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.3.4


3 How did immigrants regard public education?
It helped with assimilation, advancement in America…BUT also, it destroyed one’s cultural heritage

4 many states required school attendance by law
Why were more American children attending school, at the turn of the century, than ever before? many states required school attendance by law

5 What did Booker T. Washington want his students to focus on in school?
economic security, in the hopes of achieving some level of social equality with whites

6 African American schools
Of the African Americans who attended college, in the early 1900s, what type of college did they attend? African American schools

7 What did W.E.B. Du Bois want his students to focus on in school?
A liberal arts education, in order to grow leaders that would pull black people up to social & political equality with whites

8 to achieve full civil liberties for African Americans
What was the purpose of the Niagara Movement? to achieve full civil liberties for African Americans

9 a novel, set in the South, about the local scene
What was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? a novel, set in the South, about the local scene

10 What caused newspaper publishers to encourage “sensational” reporting?
Each paper wanted to get as many readers as possible to read THEIR papers

11 What sport became the most popular in the U.S. during the 1800s?

12 as negative stereotypes
How did minstrel shows portray African Americans? as negative stereotypes

13 What effect did bicycling & other sports have on women’s clothing?
Women could avoid the TIGHT, uncomfortable clothing in favor of looser fitting clothes

14 seizure & execution of a person by a mob
How could the act of lynching best be described? seizure & execution of a person by a mob

15 How did the Plessy v. Ferguson decision affect American society?
It legally created the “separate but equal” system in society (legal segregation)

16 What was one result of northern whites’ fears of racially equality?
race riots

17 to intimidate African Americans
The most common reason for early 20th Century lynchings was… to intimidate African Americans

18 to fight discrimination through the court/legal system
Why was the NAACP founded? to fight discrimination through the court/legal system

19 beating discrimination & becoming a self-made millionaire
Madam C.J. Walker will best be remembered for what? beating discrimination & becoming a self-made millionaire

20 In his case, Homer Plessy used a Constitutional Amendment to support his case. Which Amendment did he use? 14th Amendment

21 education, health care, social work
What professions did most women make their way into? education, health care, social work

22 they helped women take their first steps toward public life
Why were the rise of national women’s groups important? they helped women take their first steps toward public life

23 women should get more convenient hair styles and manner of dress
What idea did the “new woman” of the early 1900s promote? women should get more convenient hair styles and manner of dress

24 advances in technology
What factors help reduce household chores by 1900? advances in technology

25 How did most women view the woman question by 1900
How did most women view the woman question by 1900? women agreed that there should be greater rights for women

26 ESSAY RESPONSE: Identify & explain at least three examples of bias (unfair treatment) that women faced during the late 1800s & early 1900s -Women could not vote -Women made 30-60% less $$$ than men -Women could not get supervisory positions -Women were limited in their college opportunities -Most colleges did give women scholarships -A generally accepted idea that women with independence made them less feminine and “unmarriageable”

27 Women. Can’t live with ‘em. Can’t live live with ‘em.
What is the best advice men can get, regarding women? Women. Can’t live with ‘em. Can’t live live with ‘em.

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