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The World of Jim Crow Angela Brown Chapter 7 Section 3 1.

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1 The World of Jim Crow Angela Brown Chapter 7 Section 3 1

2 Voting Restrictions  Concerned African Americans would gain too much political power by voting  Began to require voters to own property and pay a poll tax or special fee  Pass literacy tests – reading tests in which much more difficult passages were given to blacks than whites.  Grandfather clause – passage of legislation that exempts a group of people from obeying a law provided they met certain conditions before the law was passed. 2

3 Segregation  System of legal segregation called Jim Crow after a minstrel song-and-dance routine  1 st railroad segregated passengers in Mass. in 1830s  Dominated all aspects of life in 1900s  Separation in schools, parks, public buildings, hospitals and transportation systems, water fountains, restrooms, theaters – African American facilities were inferior 3

4 Plessy v Ferguson SSupreme Court upheld the Jim Crow laws 11883 overturned Civil Rights Act of 1875 – guaranteed African Americans rights in public places 114 th Amendment – could not prevent private organizations from discriminating ““Separate – but – equal” case tt_mitytimes_home_150x200_B.jpg 4

5 PPlessy argued equal protection laws violated in Louisiana by segregating public railroads. CCourt stated 14 th Amendment “not intended to give Negroes Social Equality but only political and Civil Equality – facilities were rarely equal. http:// es/brown_family.jpg&imgrefurl= rev=/images%3Fq%3Dplessy%2Bvs%2Bferguson%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls%3DGGLD,GGLD:2005-11,GGLD:en 5

6 Violence  Lynching – a mob’s illegal seizure and execution of a person  1882-1892 estimated 1200 blacks lynched Sometimes included mock trial, torture, mutilation before hanging and being riddled with bullets. 6

7 Conditions in the North Decline  African Americans moved North to escape legal segregation.  Found de facto segregation  White feared racial equality – race riots in 1900 NY City and Springfield  Militia gained control of mob after two days. 7

8 NAACP  National Conference on “Negro Question” organized by Mary White Ovington 1909  Niagara Movement leaders attended (Du Bois)  Marked the founding of the NAACP – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)  1914 NAACP had 50 branches – 6000 members 8

9  Magazine edited by DuBois - Crisis - 30,000 readers  1915 victory – Supreme Court held grandfather clause on voting rights unconstitutional 9

10 African American Achievement  National Urban League, 1911, improved job opportunities and housing for blacks  National Negro Business League 1900 320 branches by 1907  1912 Madam C.J. Walker spoke to National Negro Business League (Example of African American Achievement) She was the first African American woman to be a self-made millionaire. http:// // tbnw=74&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmadam%2Bcj%2Bwalker&start=3&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=3 10

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