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Causes, Outbreak, and Course of WWI

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1 Causes, Outbreak, and Course of WWI

2 EQ How did this conflict truly become a ”world” war?
What were the major causes of WWI?

3 M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism
Causes of WWI- MAIN M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism

4 Militarism Conscription Arms Race Glorification of War
Causes of World War One Militarism Growth of armies Conscription Arms Race Glorification of War Tsar Nicholas II of Russia with his cousin King George V of Great Britain.

5 Causes of World War One Alliances …fear and distrust led the powers to protect themselves through alliances. Treaties pledged to defend each other if attacked. *Triple Entente Triple Alliance France Germany Great Britain Austria Hungary Russia Italy 1907 1882

6 Imperialism Causes of World War One
Competition for colonies needed for industrial raw materials

7 *extreme pride in one’s country
Causes of World War One Nationalism- *extreme pride in one’s country *Balkans - Serbian (Slavic) Nationalism * French / German Nationalism- resentment over Alsace/Lorraine

8 M= A= I= N=

9 (related to both Nicholas II and
Leaders Great Britain (Constitutional Monarchy) King George V (related to both Nicholas II and Wilhelm II) Prime Minister Lloyd George

10 Austria Hungary Leaders (Absolute Monarchy) (Heir) Archduke Francis
Ferdinand King Franz Joseph

11 Leaders Russia (Absolute Monarchy) Tsar Nicholas II

12 Leaders Germany (Absolute Monarchy) Wilhelm II

13 (Presidential Democracy)
Leaders United States (Presidential Democracy) Woodrow Wilson

14 Italy France Leaders Prime Minister- Georges Clemenceau Prime Minister
King Victor Emmanuel III France President- Raymond Poincare Prime Minister- Georges Clemenceau Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando

15 Outbreak of War- The Balkans
The Serbian Problem Bosnia had been taken over by the AH empire ( ) Serbia felt threatened by the takeover because they could be next Serbia wanted to take action

16 Outbreak of WWI Assassination ! “Death to the Tyrant!” * Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wife Sophie (heir to the Austrian/Hungarian throne) * June Sarajevo (Bosnia) * Gavrilo Princip (Black Hand – Serbian Nationalist group )

17 Displayed in the Military Museum in Vienna



20 Austrian Ultimatum – Serbia rejects
Outbreak of WWI Austrian Ultimatum – Serbia rejects *Germany provides full support to AH *AH declares war on Serbia - August 1914 * Serbian appeals to for Russia for help. Both are Slavic ethnically – Russia mobilizes Germany declares war on Russia Serbia - King Peter (Slavic)

21 - Defeat France within 6 weeks - Move forces to east defeat Russia.
Outbreak of WWI Conflict Broadens Germany: The Schlieffen Plan Invade France through neutral Belgium (Britain declares war on Germany) - Defeat France within 6 weeks - Move forces to east defeat Russia. By August all the great powers were at war

22 The Fronts Western Front Germany’s Shlieffen Plan in effect
* First Battle of the Marne Stop German advance “Taxis of the Marne” Stalemate between France and Germany Trench Warfare


24 Trench Warfare Machine gun and artillery made remaining on surface impossible Each side created huge networks of trenches, easy to defend, very difficult to take. Life in the trenches: Poor food and medical care Little sleep Trenchfoot Cold No Man’s Land Russian Soldier







31 Eastern Front Greater Mobility
Russia advanced into Germany but was stopped at the Battle of Tannenburg (1915) Easy Russian defeat, heavy Russian losses Czar Nicholas II is facing challenges at home

32 The Home Fronts in Europe
Little sympathy at home Growth in governments Propaganda Suppression of criticism Labor groups dissatisfied Weakens Germany Russia falls Women in work force

33 British block supplies to Central Powers
The War Beyond Europe British block supplies to Central Powers Uses imperial resources, manpower Indians deployed in many areas French Use African troops Japan Fights Germans in China, the Pacific


35 German submarines attack American shipping
The War Beyond Europe Ottomans Side with Germany Armenian genocide United States Begins neutral German submarines attack American shipping

36 Zimmerman Telegram- Telegraph from German foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, stating that Germany would help Mexico “reconquer” the lands they lost if Mexico would ally itself with Germany. April 1917, U.S. declares war on Germany, joins the Allies.

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