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Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. iii Kal. Nov. A.D. MMXVIII

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. iii Kal. Nov. A.D. MMXVIII"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. iii Kal. Nov. A.D. MMXVIII
HW Check: wksht. 24 / Do Now: review wksht. in groups Review 3rd Declension Consonant Stems (Wksht. 24) 3rd Declension I-Stem Nouns Practice with 3rd Declension I-Stem Nouns (Wksht. 25) Pensum: Finish Worksheet 25 Keep studying vocab. list 7 Term Exam & Binder Check next Tues. 11/6 Latin MS8 Mr. Finnigan Boston Latin School

2 3rd Declension i-Stem Nouns

3 3rd Declension i-Stem Nouns
3rd decl. i-stem nouns only differ from consonant stem 3rd declension nouns in a few forms M/F: gen. pl. = -ium N: abl. sg. = -ī; nom. & acc. pl. = -ia; gen. pl = -ium all other forms are the same!

4 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

5 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

6 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. Acc. Abl.

7 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. Abl.

8 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. em Abl.

9 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. em Abl. e

10 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ēs Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. em Abl. e

11 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ēs Gen. is ium Dat. ī Acc. em Abl. e

12 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ēs Gen. is ium Dat. ī ibus Acc. em Abl. e

13 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ēs Gen. is ium Dat. ī ibus Acc. em Abl. e

14 3rd Decl. M/F i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ēs Gen. is ium Dat. ī ibus Acc. em Abl. e

15 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

16 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

17 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. Acc. Abl.

18 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. Abl.

19 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. Abl.

20 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. Abl.

21 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ia Gen. is Dat. ī Acc. Abl.

22 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ia Gen. is ium Dat. ī Acc. Abl.

23 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ia Gen. is ium Dat. ī ibus Acc. Abl.

24 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ia Gen. is ium Dat. ī ibus Acc. Abl.

25 3rd Decl. Neut. i-Stem Endings
SG PL Nom. –––– ia Gen. is ium Dat. ī ibus Acc. Abl.

26 Distinguishing between 3rd & 3rd i
There are characteristics/rules to help you determine whether a noun is an i-stem, and you must memorize them ends in –is or –ēs in the nom. sg. & has the same number of syllables in the gen. sg. OR the nom. sg. and gen. sg. are the same E.G. nāvis, nāvis, f.: ship / caedēs, caedis, f.: murder EXCEPTION! canis, canis, m.: dog is NOT an i-stem

27 Distinguishing between 3rd & 3rd i
There are characteristics/rules to help you determine whether a noun is an i-stem, and you must memorize them 2. ends in –ns or –rs in the nom. sg. E.G. mors, mortis, f.: death / mōns, montis,m.: hill

28 Distinguishing between 3rd & 3rd i
There are characteristics/rules to help you determine whether a noun is an i-stem, and you must memorize them 3. monosyllabic (1 syllable) in the nom. sg. with stem ending in 2 consonants E.G. urbs, urbis, f.: city / mōns, montis,m.: hill

29 Distinguishing between 3rd & 3rd i
There are characteristics/rules to help you determine whether a noun is an i-stem, and you must memorize them 4. neuter noun ending in –al or –e in the nom. sg. E.G. animal, animalis, n.: animal / mare, maris, n.: sea

30 If none of these apply, the noun is NOT an i-stem
3rd vs. 3rd i Rules Recap ends in –is or –ēs in the nom. sg. & has the same number of syllables in the gen. sg. OR the nom. sg. and gen. sg. are the same ends in –ns or –rs in the nom. sg. monosyllabic (1 syllable) in the nom. sg. with stem ending in 2 consonants neuter noun ending in –al or –e in the nom. sg. If none of these apply, the noun is NOT an i-stem

31 If none of these apply, the noun is NOT an i-stem
3rd vs. 3rd i Rules Recap ends in –is or –ēs in the nom. sg. & has the same number of syllables in the gen. sg. OR the nom. sg. and gen. sg. are the same ends in –ns or –rs in the nom. sg. monosyllabic (1 syllable) in the nom. sg. with stem ending in 2 consonants neuter noun ending in –al or –e in the nom. sg. If none of these apply, the noun is NOT an i-stem

32 Exerceāmus! Decline ONLY the i-stems in the following list:
corpus, corporis, n. hostis, hostis, m. mare, maris, n. dux, ducis, m. soror, sororis, f.

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