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Chapter 15: Numerals, Genitive of the Whole, Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals, Ablative of Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15: Numerals, Genitive of the Whole, Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals, Ablative of Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15: Numerals, Genitive of the Whole, Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals, Ablative of Time

2 Numerals The two most common types of numerals are - cardinal
(e.g. one, two, three, etc) - ordinal (e.g. first, second, third, etc)

3 Cardinal Numerals In Latin, all the cardinal numbers through 100 are indeclinable adjectives except for 1, 2, and 3. Unus, a, um is a special –ius adj we’ve already encountered. (See Ch 9)

4 Cardinal Numerals Two, duo, is declined as follows. (NB there is no singular, as two is obviously plural) Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom duo duae Gen duorum duarum Dat duobus duabus Acc duos duas Abl

5 Cardinal Numerals Three, tres, is declined as follows.
Note that it has an i in the genitive and an i in the neuter nominative and accusative, like 3rd Decl. i-stems. M & F N Nom tres tria Gen trium Dat tribus Acc Abl

6 Cardinal Numerals The numbers for the hundreds from are declined like plural 1st/2nd declension adjectives. ex: ducenti, ae, a trecenti, ae, a

7 Cardinal Numerals Mille (1,000) is an indeclinable adjective in the singular. However, in the plural (i.e. thousands) it is a neuter 3rd declension i-stem noun, milia, and declines as such. M/F/N N Nom mille milia Gen milium Dat milibus Acc Abl

8 Ordinal Numerals Ordinal numbers indicate sequence (first, second, third, etc). They are regular 1st/2nd declension adjectives. Ex: primus, a, um

9 Genitive of the Whole Words that denote a part of something (e.g. much, more, many, part, enough) can be followed by a dependent genitive, which names the whole of which it is a part. This genitive is also frequently known as the Partitive Genitive.

10 Genitive of the Whole Latin frequently uses this genitive after the neuter nominative and accusatives of certain pronouns and adjectives, including aliquid quid multum plus minus satis nihil tantum quantum nimis

11 Genitive of the Whole It can also be the neuter singular of a second declension adjective multum boni quid novi nihil spei

12 Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals
Milia uses the partitive genitive (e.g. milia virorum – thousands of men) With all the other cardinal numbers, the idea of part from whole is expressed by using ex or de and the ablative. (e.g. duo ex fratribus)

13 Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals
Note the difference between duo fratres duo ex fratribus mille feminae milia feminarum

14 Ablative of Time When or Within Which
To express time when or within which, Latin uses the ablative case without a preposition. In English translation, we usually use a preposition such as on, in, at, or within.

15 Ablative of Time When or Within Which
Let’s look at a few examples: Eodem tempore non valebant. Paucīs horīs id faciet. Aestate otium habemus. Secundo diē in urbem vēnit.

16 Ablative of Time When or Within Which
Note that the idea of duration of time (e.g. I read the book for four hours) is NOT conveyed by the use of the ablative case!

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