Expert Role: Theatre Critic

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Presentation on theme: "Expert Role: Theatre Critic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Expert Role: Theatre Critic
A Theatre Critic is someone who reviews plays and writes about them in newspapers. Most people who work in theatre are scared of a bad review!

2 Points to think about... Can the audience understand the narrative (plot)? Is the drama believable? What would you change if you were in this performance? KEY WORDS: Focus, Realistic

3 Expert Role: Stage Manager
A Stage manager is responsible for the stage. They ensure that the set is clear and the space is used effectively so that the audience can enjoy the show.

4 Points to think about... Can the audience see the action clearly?
Has the set been thought out so that it is being used well? Could the set be changed to make the scene more interesting, or help to tell the story? KEY WORDS: Blocking, levels, space, up-stage, down-stage

5 Expert Role: Director A director is responsible for the actors. They ensure that the acting is perfect so the audience can enjoy the show.

6 Points to think about... Which actor is performing the most realistic character? How could the acting skills be improved? KEY WORDS: Facial expressions, gestures, personality.

7 Alternative Q: If Eddie was an animal, what would he be?

8 Alternative Q: If Stella was a colour, what would she be?

9 Alternative Q: Why is Scarlett Johansson in this play, when she could earn much more money in The Avengers II?

10 Alternative Q:What is the relationship between Eddie and Stella?

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