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How to Survive Ms. P in Style!

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1 How to Survive Ms. P in Style!
History 101: How to Survive Ms. P in Style!

2 1. Read - Ms. P’s website - calendar - syllabus - assignment blog
- Your assigned chapter - Ms. P’s website - calendar - syllabus - assignment blog - procedures - Directions, assignment sheets, etc.

3 2. Organize -first initial last name nds @
- make it easy to connect with P by making a standard sion -first initial last name ex: If that address is taken, first two letters of first name - sign up for Edmodo if you don’t have an account. Join my history group: - password cwpgrd - know where things are in my classroom - have a dedicated place to put History papers - know the classroom procedures

4 3. Contribute - Speak up in class- ask questions, make comments, answer questions. - Look for ways to connect the classroom with your life, then share! - extra credit opportunities

5 4. Know - Yourself. How do you learn best? Are you a good test-taker? If not, why? Do you have problems turning assignments in on time? Why? I will work with you, but first, you have to know what you need! - The Golden Rule. It’s what I live by in this class, and I expect you to live by it, too. - The class rules. You help make em’, so you should know them, and follow them.

6 What does that spell? ROCK- because RUSH Rocks!
Now, a little history zen: Clothing for the year 2000! (from the 1930’s)

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