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Year 10 Starter Quiz – Back of your Books

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1 Year 10 Starter Quiz – Back of your Books
1. What countries can you find in the Balkans? (3 marks) 2. What is the name for the people that live in this region? (1 mark) 3. Who was the ‘sick man of Europe’? (2 marks) 4. Which two European empires looked to extend their empires there? (2 marks) 5. How many Balkan wars were there and name the dates. (3 marks) 6. Name the two dates of Morocco crises. (2 marks) 7. Who was the first conflict between? (1 mark) 8. What was the name of the gunship Germany sent to the country? (1 mark) 9. As a result the Treaty of occurred. What did this state? (3 marks)

2 Answers What countries can you find in the Balkans? (3 marks)
Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Albania and Greece What is the name for the people that live in this region? (1 mark) Slavs Who was the ‘sick man of Europe’? (2 marks) Ottoman empire (1 mark for Turkey) Whish two European empires looked to extend their empires there? (2 marks) Russia and Austria Hungary How many Balkan wars were there and name the dates. (3 marks) 2 – 1912, 1913 Name the two dates of Morocco crises. (2 marks) 1905 and 1911 Who was the first conflict between? (1 mark) France and Germany What was the name of the gunship Germany sent to the country? (1 mark) Panther As a result the Treaty of occurred. What did this state? (3 marks) Berlin. Germany was forced to remove the gunship and accept instead a small piece of land in the Congo.   Morocco became a French colony.

3 Key Decisions of 1914 What happens? As we go through the events of 1914…. Add detail to your calendar.

4 TASK 1 The heir to the throne in your country, Austria, has just been shot…. Do you: Retaliate by immediately declaring war. Speak to your allies to see if they would help you if you declared war. Immediately summon your army chiefs, to start drawing up military plans. Do not retaliate- let the incident pass,

5 B. Get Your allies Support- Germany- 5th July
5th July…. Germany Gives Austria unconditional support. Often referred to as the Blank Cheque

6 TASK 2 Your allies have confirmed they will help. How do you proceed from here: Draw up plans for you and your allies to immediately attack the country. Invade, knowing your allies will back you up if it all goes wrong. Send them a note asking for a series of concessions- if they don’t agree you will invade. Send them a note asking for a series of concessions- if they don’t agree to most of them, invade.

7 C. THE ULTIMATUM- 23rd July
Officially condemn anti-Austrian publications and propaganda Dismiss any government officials that Austria might name Allow Austrian officials to assist in the investigation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Part 6)

8 Task 3 You are leader of a country, Serbia. You have just received a note from Austria, in relation to members of your country shooting a member of their Royal Family. Do you… Ignore the note Agree to all the concessions Agree to a select few of the concessions Speak to country’s who you know will support you, and gain there advice.

9 D. Serbia Speak to Ally- RUSSIA

10 Task 4 You are confident at least one country will support you, whatever action you choose, so do you: Ignore the note- and don’t respond Reject all requests in the note Accept all requests in the note Accept the majority of the requests in the note

11 D. Accept most proposals- but ultimately reject 25th July
Accepted everything- EXCEPT, Part 6, Allowed Austrian officials to assist in the investigation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

12 Task 5 Serbia has rejected your note asking for submissions. Now do you: Try and meet face to face to resolve the matter Try again with another note Immediately declare war Mobilise your troops and declare war


14 Final Key Dates 1st August 1914: Germany declares war on Russia
3rd August 1914: Germany declares war on France 4th August 1914: Britain declares war on Germany Why are all these countries getting involved?

15 7 mark question Copy this table into your book Source A Source B
Similarities Diferences

16 Write three or four key points from this source in you first column
Sources A: From the 1914 Assassination by Dan Hucker I think the Archduke can accept some responsibility for his death in He ignored warnings that the Black Hand gang would be in the city wanting to kill him. He insisted on driving in an open top car, making him an easy target for assassins. Finally he refused to have the army and police lining the streets to help protect him. Write three or four key points from this source in you first column

17 Write three or four key points from this source in you first column
Sources A: From the 1914 Assassination by Dan Hucker I think the Archduke can accept some responsibility for his death in He ignored warnings that the Black Hand gang would be in the city wanting to kill him. He insisted on driving in an open top car, making him an easy target for assassins. Finally he refused to have the army and police lining the streets to help protect him. Write three or four key points from this source in you first column

18 Similarities

19 Differences

20 I think Source B supports/disagrees the view stated in Source A to a ………. Extent.
This is because, there are some points of similarity between the sources. One is….. This is shown in Source A where it states (QUOTE) and Source B where it states (QUOTE). Similarly the sources also agree about……. This is shown in Source A where it states (QUOTE) and Source B where it states (QUOTE). However, there are some points of disagreement. One is….. This is shown in Source A where it states (QUOTE) and Source B where it states (QUOTE). Similarly the sources also agree about……. This is shown in Source A where it states (QUOTE) and Source B where it states (QUOTE). So overall, I believe that Source B supports the view stated in Source A that the Archduke must accept some responsibility for his death to a ………. extent

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