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Starring Daniel John White And Ricky Raj Sharma

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1 Starring Daniel John White And Ricky Raj Sharma
‘Belief in the soul is just wishful thinking’ – regressions to past lives under hypnosis Starring Daniel John White And Ricky Raj Sharma

2 What do we mean by this? This relies on the belief that people have had past lives. There is a belief that there may be memories of these past lives in a persons subconscious.

3 Has this ever happened? Yes.
Some people have regressed (been taken back to) previous life through hypnosis Some people have not required any hypnosis – they have just had memories.

4 Example Of hypnosis A woman had migraines for 4-5 years
This was because she was a man in the Spanish Inquisition He was tortured for his beliefs She was told that his thoughts at the time of his death were carried forth and thus caused the migraines A few days later they disappeared and none since

5 déjà vu Hang on I’ve seen that before…
Maybe it is an electrical discharge in the brain?? Some people attribute this to memories of a past life. It is highly unlikely to experience the same situation that you have already experienced. Maybe it is more logical to attribute it to a parralell parrellel parallel universe, where the same thing has happened

6 Memories Using memories as proof should not happen.
Using memories from a previous life should definitely not happen! Some memories may result from psychological problems, which are manifested as memories of earlier lives when in fact they are suppressed events from this life.

7 confabulation? Berlyne defined confabulation as ‘a falsification of memory occurring in clear consciousness in association with an organically derived amnesia’ This basically translates as a confusion of imagination with (true) memories Remembering something that didn’t actually happen.

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