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 Memory doesn't work the same in every situation.  Certain factors, such as time of day, location, distractions, events and internal states can affect.

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Presentation on theme: " Memory doesn't work the same in every situation.  Certain factors, such as time of day, location, distractions, events and internal states can affect."— Presentation transcript:


2  Memory doesn't work the same in every situation.  Certain factors, such as time of day, location, distractions, events and internal states can affect the ability to remember things.

3  State-dependent Memory  What we learn in one state (drunk or sober) may be more easily recalled when we are again in that state.  Mood Congruent Memory  We recall experiences that are consistent with one’s current good or bad mood.

4  Do you need to remember everything?  We need to forget or discard useless information or our consciousness will become cluttered making thinking difficult.

5  Absent-mindedness  Inattention to details leads to encoding failure  Transience  Storage decay over time  Blocking  Inaccessibility of stored information

6  Misattribution  Confusing the source of information  Suggestibility  The lingering effects of misinformation  Bias  Belief-colored recollections


8  Persistence  Unwanted memories

9  Selective Attention  If we don’t notice what we sense then we will fail to encode and we will NOT remember it.  Age-related Memory Decline  Brain areas in older adults are less responsive; thus, causing slower encoding



12  Loss of information from memory as a consequence of passage of time and lack of use.


14  Simply an inability to retrieve a memory

15  Have you ever known a name of a song, but were unable to retrieve it?  TOT occurs when the retrieval process does not produce a complete response but produces parts that must be constructed into a whole.  Indicates that forgetting may be a result of retrieval failure not encoding or storage failure.

16  The confusion of one piece of information with another  Or the suppression of one in favor of another that was processed about the same time (as might happen, for example, if a student takes a Spanish lesson one period and a French lesson the next).

17 PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE RETROACTIVE INTERFERENCE  Occurs if previously learned material interferes with learning of new material.  Occurs if learning of new material interferes with the ability to recall previously learned material.

18 P : Proactive O : Old info interferes with new R : Retroactive N : New info interferes with old

19  The inability to remember events from the past  Psychogenic Amnesia is due to of a psychological trauma  Organic Amnesia is due to a physiological

20  People sometimes forget things because they find them too unpleasant to think about.  Repression  The process of keeping disturbing thoughts or feelings relegated to the unconscious.

21  Human memory is not as good as people like to think.  Incorporating misleading information into one’s memory of an event.  There are times when you are 100% confident in your memory of something and the reality is, your memory is wrong.


23  Eyewitness testimony is the courtroom recall of a real- life situation.  Studies have shown that eyewitnesses sometimes recall events incorrectly or identify the wrong people.  In addition, memories may be embellished after the fact, particularly if a person has a stake in the outcome, but  Although the memories seemingly improve with time, they may be less rather than more accurate.  The reliability of such embellished memories is controversial as is the use of hypnosis to improve memory retrieval

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