An Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction

2 An informative essay, also known as an expository essay, gives the reader detailed information about a specific topic. Informative/expository essays are usually written in five paragraphs, but you guys will be filling three pages. Minimum of 3 pages. Maximum of 5 pages. Your works cited page should not be included in the page count.

3 First paragraph: Introduction
States the character and the main things you’ll talk about in the Body Second, Third, Fourth paragraphs: Body HUGE amounts of detail, fact, and example Fifth paragraph: Conclusion Nicely summarizes everything

4 Take a deep breath Choose a character or topic you find interesting. Start with what you know—I promise you already know a lot. Then do research or look through a text to fill in the gaps. Brainstorm/create an outline Write a draft. Revise with a friend. Revise with a parent/guardian. Revise by yourself. Revise with your teacher. Rewrite. Edit, proofread, check spelling, grammar, etc. Turn in, on time, your last draft. Consider yourself a writer.

5 It should be fact-based.
Facts can be quotes, statistics, definitions, names, dates, events. It should be formal. Remember who your reader is (the teacher!). Use examples. Explain what you mean. Don’t be overwhelmed.

6 Format for FD MLA Times New Roman 12 pt. font double-spaced
indent each paragraph Last name and number in top right corner Must be printed, stapled, and ready to turn in on due date. Must use

7 Important Dates September 9th - Outline due
September 12th - Rough Draft due September 14th - Peer-edit forms due September 16th - Final Draft due

8 Citations




12 Go to —> “Son of Citation” under the media center’s section
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