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Lunch Expectations Waters.

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1 Lunch Expectations Waters

2 Lunch Expectations Students must always be monitored by a fifth grade teacher. (pause at door ways and turns). Students should treat the equipment and surrounding environment with respect We MUST clean up our area Be aware of trash at every point during your lunch walk. Students must never disrupt the classes that are learning during our lunch.

3 Study Hall Expectations

4 Study Hall The purpose of study hall is to silently complete academic work Students should be completing homework or reading a book One or two students could/should volunteer during study hall to write the HW and upcoming tests for the week on the whiteboard Students who are unable to stay silent and on ACADEMIC task will be given a behavior essay on preparedness to complete during study hall

5 End of study hall Students are expected to maintain respect for the classroom, teacher, and peers (it’s not party time). Students must stack chairs and collect trash Students should observe their tables for opportunities to tidy baskets or books or other miscellaneous items The teacher can ask for students to sit silently—it is NOT a right to be able to talk with friend it is PRIVILEGE Students can dismiss beginning at 3:25

6 Snack Expectations Furdella

7 Snack Expectations Students must always be monitored by a fifth grade teacher. (pause at door ways and turns). Students should sit immediately and begin snacking. Food is NOT to be shared. Candy, peanut butter, other nut-products are NOT allowed during snack. Students are allowed to chat, but, their focus is to finish snack Students should request to call home at this time (or sooner) if they have forgotten their lunch

8 At whistle blow Students are expected to STOP eating snack
Clean up their area of ALL trash Stop before leaving and LOOK at their area for trash, if you see something, pick it up and throw it away. Hold your peers accountable! Groups who leave behind large amounts of trash can be asked to collect ALL trash the next outside snack day.

9 Hallway Expectations Watson

10 HOODIES are not dress code
Please do not put on hoodies as you exit class to walk to another class within the 5/6 building. It is still considered INSIDE and you do not need to wear hoodies INSIDE. HOODIES are not dress code

11 Hallway Use your time wisely—you have time to go to the bathroom BEFORE the bell rings Get to classes quickly, but, safely/respectfully. Students should not stop in the middle of the hallway to chat Students should line up on the sides (closest to the walls) to wait for class If you have large instruments/book bags/etc. BE AWARE of yourself in the hall way.

12 Hallway Students should never push or run through the crowded hall way. Students should say excuse me when they accidently bump into someone, step on someone’s shoes, etc. Students who are actively disrupting the hall way flow by pushing or standing in the middle can receive a consequence.

13 Consequences First: silent snack (parent contact not necessary) Second: Accountability essay (parent contact optional) Third: Silent Lunch (parents should be contacted) Teachers reserve the right to move to a more serious consequence for repeated infractions and severe behavior

14 Rewards Teachers are individually implementing a reward system for students who set forth exemplary behavior.

15 Code of Conduct Bradford Prep’s expectation for student behavior is based upon the following principles: Students will act with courtesy, consideration, tolerance, and patience in all interactions with others both at school and during school-sponsored activities. Students shall treat school property and facilities with care and respect. Students shall treat the property of others with care and respect. Students will follow Bradford Prep’s Honor Code and be honest in all academic and social situations. Student behavior will reflect positively upon Bradford Prep.

16 Code of Conduct Consequences for violating the policies in the Student Handbook, teacher/team standards, or rules may include, but are not limited to the following: Parental involvement Isolation or time-out for short periods of time Behavior improvement agreements (contracts) Individual or small group sessions with an administrator Silent Lunch Detention during lunch or before/after school Exclusion from extracurricular activities Suspension or exclusion

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