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Ch 13, Sec 5: Decline of the Roman Empire

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1 Ch 13, Sec 5: Decline of the Roman Empire

2 Key Terms Inflation- a general rise in the cost of goods
Barbarian- uncivilized/savage (What romans called people of other cultures) Mercenary- soldier who fights for pay rather than for his country Orthodoxy- traditional or established beliefs

3 End of the Pax Romana AD 180- Marcus Aurelius dies = END OF PAX ROMANA
Power struggles Increased civil wars Gen. Septimius Severus briefly restored peace Focused on support from the army

4 Imperial Crisis (AD ) Generals became emperor quickly one after another Increased soldiers pay, raised taxes Emperors made coins with less precious metal, so merchants raised prices This caused inflation Trade became more dangerous Foreign enemies took advantage of the internal conflicts of Rome Persians invaded German “barbarians” raided from the North

5 Late Empire 284- Diocletian became emperor Persecuted Christians
Sent troops to restore peace Divided empire into eastern and western parts Assigned Maximian to rule over the western part Assigned junior emperors to succeed as emperor Constantine became next emperor 324- new capital at Byzantium (later called Constantinople) Declared Christianity as the official religion

6 Collapse of the West The Huns began to push German Goths into Roman empire from the North Goths were looking for refuge defeated Romans at the battle of Adrianople Romans paid German mercenaries to help stop invasion They sometimes turned on the Romans 410- Goths captured and looted Rome, led by King Alaric 476- Western Roman Empire ended Eastern Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire!

7 Alaric and the Sack of Rome

8 Attila the Hun


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