Cornell Notes.

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1 Cornell Notes

2 The 6 Steps of the Scientific Method

3 What is the Scientific Method?
Systematic approach used in scientific study An organized process used by scientist to conduct research Provides a method for scientist to verify the work of others

4 Step 1: Observation gathering information to find a solution or explanation to a problem involves using your senses to gather information involves the use of existing knowledge

5 Observation Types Quantitative (numbers) Qualitative (words)
Information that describes numbers and amounts ex. weight, height, temperature, volume Qualitative (words) Information that describes things that cannot be expressed in numbers ex. color, shape, odor, taste

6 Step 2: Inference A logical explanation based on observations and/or facts

7 IF ________________ then _________________
Step 3: Hypothesis A tentative explanation for what has been observed. Needs to be a testable statement or prediction Independent variable Dependant variable IF ________________ then _________________

8 The light on my flashlight is not working…………………………….
Hypothesis #1 If ___________________ then ___________________ Hypothesis #2 If ___________________ then ___________________

9 Step 4: Experiment Steps to collecting data to support or deny the hypothesis The testing of variables: Independent variable – the variable that you plan to change in the experiment Dependent variable – value that changes in response to changing the independent variable Control – a standard for comparison where no variable have been changed

10 Step 5: Analysis Study the data you have collected
Calculations and graphs are observed and interpreted.

11 Step 6: Conclusion A judgment based on the information/ data obtained
Determines if the evidence supports or denies the hypothesis may need to revise the hypothesis and conduct again

12 Step 2 - Inference Create inferences based on your questions and the information gathered An inference is a possible explanation for your observations based on your information and prior knowledge An inference is therefore not initially considered correct ...Basil will protect me from mosquitoes

13 Step 1 - Observations Using your senses to observe the events
I see and feel a mosquito biting me The areas bitten are swollen, red, and itchy (qualitative) I count 3 bites on my arm (quantitative)

14 Step 3 - Hypothesis A testable explanation of your inference – “If (inference), then (predicted outcome)” The predicted outcome is how you will test if your inference is correct …“If I rub basil leaves on my arm and expose it to mosquitoes, then I will receive fewer bites than when I don’t use basil”

15 Step 4 - Experimentation
Design and run a proper experiment based on your hypothesis

16 Step 5 - Analysis Make sense of the data collected by looking for patterns, trends, meaning, etc. Counting # of bites on arm with basil Counting # of bites on arm with no basil

17 Step 6 - Conclusion Based on your analysis of the data, determine if your hypothesis is correct What if…? 6 bites with basil 12 bites without Does data Support hypothesis Not support

18 Summary - Cornell Notes
In your own words, briefly summarize at the bottom of your notes: What you learned about the scientific method? Why it is important? How does it apply to your life?

19 Scientific Method - Thinking Maps
Draw a flow map to show the steps in the scientific method Flow map shows sequence (steps) Use arrows to show flow Write one item under Each step to help you Remember the main idea

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