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Presentation on theme: "LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:

16 A Topical Approach to LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT Schools, Achievement, and Work John W. Santrock

2 Contemporary Approaches to Student Learning and Assessment
Schools Contemporary Approaches to Student Learning and Assessment Direct Instruction Approach Teacher-centered approach characterized by Teacher direction and control Mastery of academic material High expectations for students’ progress Maximum time spent on learning tasks

3 Accountability in Schools
State-mandated tests have taken on a more powerful role — No Child Left Behind Critics argue that they lead to Single score being used as sole predictor Teaching to test; use of memorization Tests don’t measure important skills like creativity and social skills

4 Schools and Developmental Status
Early childhood education Many ways young children are educated The child-centered kindergarten Emphasizes the whole child Physical, cognitive, socioemotional development Needs, interests, and learning style Emphasizes learning process

5 Schools and Developmental Status
Montessori approach Teacher is facilitator Children encouraged to be early decision makers Fosters independence and cognitive development skills De-emphasizes verbal interactions Criticisms vary

6 Developmentally Appropriate and Inappropriate Education
Schools Developmentally Appropriate and Inappropriate Education Developmentally appropriate practice — focuses on typical development of children within age span (age appropriateness) and uniqueness of each child (individual appropriateness) Developmentally inappropriate practice — relies on abstract paper-and-pencil activities given to large groups

7 Elementary School Change from “home-child’’ to “school-child”
Schools Elementary School Change from “home-child’’ to “school-child” New roles and obligations Too often, early schooling has more negative feedback; lowers child’s self-esteem Teachers often pressured to cover curriculum; Tight scheduling; may harm children

8 High School Concerns about education and students
Schools High School Concerns about education and students Graduate with inadequate skills Enter college needing remediation classes Student drop out rates Ethnic and racial differences Gender differences

9 Effective Schools for Young Adolescents
Effective programs that discourage high school dropping out include Reading programs Tutoring Counseling Mentoring ‘I Have A Dream’ program Projects adopt entire public grade level or cohorts in housing projects Gives college tuition to high school grads

10 Educating Children with Disabilities
Schools Educating Children with Disabilities Approximately 10 percent of children in the U.S. receive special education or related services More than 40% have a learning disability

11 Diversity of Children Who Have A Disability
Fig. 16.4

12 Learning Disabilities
Schools Learning Disabilities Learning disability characteristics: A minimum IQ level A significant difficulty in a school-related area No other conditions, such as severe emotional disorders second-language background sensory disabilities specific neurological deficits

13 Learning Disabilities
Schools Learning Disabilities Dyslexia — severe impairment in ability to read and spell Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity Definitive causes unknown Higher risk if a sibling already diagnosed Medications are most common treatment Other treatment recommendations vary

14 SES and Ethnicity in Schools
Low-income, ethnic minority children face more difficulties in school School inequalities Schools in poor areas underfunded young inexperienced teachers largely segregated Inadequate opportunities for effective learning ‘The Shame of a Nation’ Ethnic school experiences vary across groups

15 Improving relationships among ethnically diverse students
Schools Improving relationships among ethnically diverse students Turn class into jigsaw classroom Use technology to foster cooperation Positive personal contact with diverse other students Engage in perspective taking Help students think critically and be emotionally intelligent Reduce bias View school and community as team Be competent cultural mediator

16 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
Achievement Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Incentives such as rewards and punishments Rewards can undermine motivation Intrinsic Factors such as self-determination, curiosity, challenge, and effort Increased by opportunity for choices

17 Self-Determination and Choice
Achievement Self-Determination and Choice Student internal motivation and intrinsic interest in school tasks increase when more opportunities for choice available Some rewards can undermine learning; rewards most effective with high interest Rewards convey mastery information Developmental shifts

18 Achievement Mastery Motivation Mastery orientation — task-oriented; concerned with learning strategies Helpless orientation — one seems trapped by difficulty and attributes one’s difficulty to a lack of ability Performance orientation — achievement outcomes; winning matters

19 Self-Efficacy Mindset; cognitive view of oneself Self-Efficacy
Achievement Self-Efficacy Mindset; cognitive view of oneself Fixed mindset: ‘carved in stone’ Growth mindset: belief in change promotes optimistic or pessimistic outlook Self-Efficacy Belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes

20 Goal-Setting, Planning, and Self-Monitoring
Achievement Goal-Setting, Planning, and Self-Monitoring Self-efficacy and achievement improve when individuals set goals that are Specific Proximal (short-term) Challenging Can set both long and short-term goals Expectations linked to outcomes/efforts

21 Ethnicity and Culture Ethnicity and Achievement
Often tangled with Socioeconomic Status SES better predictor of achievements Many minorities challenged by Negative stereotypes and discrimination Poverty Culture and conflicting neighborhood values

22 Retirement Option to retire late twentieth-century phenomenon in U.S.
Careers, Work, and Retirement Retirement Option to retire late twentieth-century phenomenon in U.S. Today’s workers will spend 10 to 15 percent of their lives in retirement Flexibility is key factor in adjustment Retirement planning includes more than successful financial planning

23 16 The End


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