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Digital Video Adobe Premiere 1.5 Intro/Setup/Workspace/ Endless Possibilities Lesson 3.

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1 Digital Video Adobe Premiere 1.5 Intro/Setup/Workspace/ Endless Possibilities Lesson 3

2 Objective Students will become moderate-advanced video and television editors and engineers, by learning nonlinear video editing through Adobe Premiere 1.5

3 Adobe Premiere Welcome to Adobe® Premiere® Pro 1.5, a revolutionary nonlinear video-editing application that delivers a breakthrough render-free experience. Its high-performance toolset takes video and audio production to a new level, giving you a professional edge. Built for the superior performance of Microsoft Windows XP systems, Adobe Premiere Pro delivers the power and precision you need to tell a story better and faster than ever before.

4 Video Editing Software
A non-linear editing system (NLE) is a video editing (NLVE) or audio editing (NLAE) system which can perform random access on the source material.

5 New Project DV-NTSC Standard 48kHz or Widescreen 48kHz
Location ~ Browse to Network Folder/Adobe Premiere Name Project

6 Project Window The Project window is where you import, organize, and store references to clips. It lists all source clips that you import into a project, though you don't have to use every clip you import. The Project window is also where you organize batch lists of offline files to be captured and where clips are listed after you capture them.

7 Monitor Window The Monitor window can include the Source and Program views. You can also add the Effect Controls window as a tab in the Source view.

8 Timeline Window The Timeline window provides a schematic view of your program, including all sequences, video, audio, and superimposed video tracks. Changes you make in this window appear in the Program view.

9 Others The Monitor, Timeline, and Audio Mixer windows contain tabs that represent multiple sequences. Clicking a tab activates that tab's sequence in all three windows. The Timeline window tabs representing multiple sequences can be dragged away to form separate Timeline windows for each sequence. The History and Info palettes can be combined as a group of tabs. The Effect Controls window can be displayed as a tab within the Project window or within the Source view of the Program window.

10 Monitor Window The Monitor window resembles a conventional edit bay's video monitors and edit controller. The left side of the Monitor window, or Source view, displays source clips; the right side, or Program view, displays the active sequence. Controls under each view allow you to control playback and cue the current frame of a source clip or sequence.

11 Monitor

12 Project Each clip appears in the Project window with its clip name and detailed information about the clip. You can view and sort clips in List view or Icon view, and you can customize the information displayed in List view.

13 Project

14 In the Timeline window, the time ruler measures sequence time horizontally, using the counting method specified in the project settings (although you may toggle to a counting method based on audio samples at any time). Tick marks and numbers indicating the sequence time are displayed along the ruler and change according to the level of detail at which you view the sequence. The time ruler also displays icons for the sequence In and Out points. The lower part of the time ruler contains any sequence markers you set, as well as the work area bar, which is used to specify areas of the sequence you want to preview or export

15 Timeline

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