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GLAST Large Area Telescope

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1 GLAST Large Area Telescope
Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope Instrument Flight Software LAT Monthly Sept 1, 2005 Terry Schalk U. C. Santa Cruz

2 FSW Status FSW Short term goals
Run calibration on the LAT with a FSW build OCT 1 Build will have all FSW functionality with a small number of well identified liens (eg GRB identification) Engineering FQT during Sept with Formal FQT in Dec Added configuration functionality last month and FSW packages have moved from imbedded data to this system We now have the pieces for new build (V0-5-0) Provide event output to SSR Basic science data output format Most remaining FSW packages under CCB control with this build

3 FSW Development and Test Milestones for FQT
Candidate Release 0-4-0 (includes CFG system) Science Data Output (Release 0-5-0) Release for Testing (Release 0-6-0) GRB and Compression (Release 0-7-0) TRR ΔTRR 7/20 8/15 9/8 9/15, 9/20 9/30 10/1 11/18 Procedure Review Complete Scripts Complete FQT Complete {I&T System Test} FSW Test <Date> FSW Status Review

4 FSW TRR Preparation Documentation
Specification: Baselined, final updates to CCB 9/6 Test Plan: Baselined, final updates to CCB 9/6 Test Procedures: 48 for System Checkout phase baselined. 7 more (GRB-related) to be baselined prior to System Test. Design Document: Draft complete FSW-ISOC ICD: In work Telecommand and Telemetry Formats: Autogenerated after each integrated build. Will rebaseline prior to FSW testing supporting System Checkout phase RFAs 1 of 6 Flight Unit Peer Review RFAs closed Responses to remaining 5 provided and awaiting closure

5 TRR Preparation - SQA Documentation
Action plan resulting from various internal & external reviews Update and approve MD Quality Manual Incorporate relevant parts of MD Internal Quality Audits MD Controlled Document Release Procedure superseded by CM Plan. Remove reference from Quality Manual. Update MD Corrective & Preventive Action to clarify that JIRA is FSW database and approve Update Software Mgmt. Plan to reflect current management structure Corrective action status All items in progress ECD 9/2 for changes ECD 9/9 for approval

6 July Activities Incorporated configuration parameters into all relevant pkgs Built filter's infrastructure for calorimeter pedestal, gains and geometry files Finished the preliminary event output format definitions high energy Gamma are about compressed bytes. Delivered code to write data to the SSR "Finished" the LATC design document Finished testing LIM’s modes. Started discussions on operational usage issues

7 July Activities Worked on a number of bug fixes
Identified flaw in LCI compaction routines (& reduced footprint to ~7MB. ) Worked on FES firm/soft ware bugs wrt testing of the calibration code Debugged an issue in the RING buffers Debugged an issue with the Thermal code running at lockheed

8 FSW Outstanding Issues
CR needs to be made with pkgs exercising the SSR path Completion of high priority Lien list items GRB identification Finish any missing event formats Finish event compression if needed Discovered bugs need to be addressed and CR made to run system checkout TTR and FQT against. Gain operational experience and address any high priority issues

9 FSW Test Progress

10 Test scripts



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