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The Spread of Greek Culture

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1 The Spread of Greek Culture
Section 4 Overview This section describes the spread of Hellenistic culture in the wake of Alexander’s empire and the achievements of many great philosophers, writers, and scientists.

2 Focusing on the Main Ideas
The Spread of Greek Culture Focusing on the Main Ideas Hellenistic cities became centers of learning and culture.  Epicurus and Zeno showed the world different ways to look at happiness.  Hellenistic scientists made major discoveries in math and astronomy.

3 Locating Places Meeting People Rhodes (ROHDZ) 
The Spread of Greek Culture Locating Places Rhodes (ROHDZ)  Syracuse (SIHR·uh·KYOOS)  Meeting People Theocritus (thee·AH·kruh·tuhs)  Aristarchus (AR·uh·STAHR·kuhs)  Eratosthenes (EHR·uh·TAHS·thuh·NEEZ)  Euclid (YOO·kluhd)

4 Building Your Vocabulary
The Spread of Greek Culture Meeting People Archimedes (AHR·kuh·MEE·deez)  Building Your Vocabulary Epicureanism (EH·pih·kyu·REE·uh·NIH·zuhm)  Stoicism (STOH·uh·SIH·zuhm)  astronomer (uh·STRAH·nuh·muhr)  plane geometry (jee·AH·muh·tree)  solid geometry (jee·AH·muh·tree)

5 The Spread of Greek Culture
Greek Culture Spreads Philosophers, poets, scientists, and writers moved to the new Greek cities in southwest Asia, particularly Alexandria, during the Hellenistic Era .  Hellenistic kings wanted to make their cities like those in Greece, so they hired Greek architects and sculptors.  The writers of the Hellenistic Era produced a large body of literature.

6 The Spread of Greek Culture
Greek Culture Spreads Appolonius wrote the epic poem Argonautica, recounting the legend of Jason and his band of heroes.  Theocritus wrote short poems about beauty and nature.  Athenians still created plays, but the plays of the Hellenistic Era were about love and relationships.

7 The Spread of Greek Culture
Philosophy Epicurus, the founder of Epicureanism, taught that happiness was the goal of life.  Stoicism was developed by a Phoenician named Zeno.  This philosophy believes that happiness comes from reason, not emotions.

8 The Spread of Greek Culture
Greek Science and Math Astronomers study the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies.  Aristarchus was an astronomer who claimed that the sun was at the center of the universe and that Earth revolved around the sun.  Eratosthenes was an astronomer who believed that the earth was round and measured Earth’s circumference.

9 The Spread of Greek Culture
Greek Science and Math Euclid, one of the most famous Greek mathematicians, described plane geometry.  Plane geometry is the study of points, lines, angles, and surfaces.  Archimedes was the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era.

10 The Spread of Greek Culture
Greek Science and Math He worked on solid geometry—the study of spheres and cylinders.  He also determined the value of pi, a number used to measure the area of circles.  Archimedes invented the catapult, among other weapons.

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