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Presentation on theme: "Characterization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization

2 Characterization is… the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character.

3 Analyzing Characterization
Making judgments (or evaluations) about the character

4 INFERENCES Guesses made regarding a situation, using one’s understanding of context clues

5 personality of the character
DIRECT – tells the personality of the character Ex: “The patient boy and quiet girl both well-mannered and didn’t disobey their mother.”

6 INDIRECT – shows things that reveal character’s personality

7 INDIRECT (continued) S peech (what character says) T houghts (what character thinks) E ffect on others (how interacts with others) A ctions (what character does) L ooks (how character looks / dresses)


9 Credible Character is believable (could actually exist) Not Credible Character seems fake

10 Is the character believable?
Would you expect to run into him or her in everyday life? YES! NOPE = Credible = Not credible

11 Credible or not?

12 Rounded Character is complicated with multiple dimensions Flat Character only has a single trait

13 Does the character have multiple personality traits?
Does he/she feel more than a single emotion? YES! NOPE = Rounded = Flat

14 Rounded or flat?

15 Stock Character fits an exact stereotype; seems unoriginal Unique Character is unlike others

16 Is the character a stereotype?
Is the character just one of many like him/her? YES! NOPE = Stock = Unique

17 Stock or unique?

18 Dynamic Character undergoes some change and/or gains a new understanding Static Character stays the same

19 Does the character grow or change in some way?
YES! NOPE = Dynamic = Static

20 Static or dynamic?

21 S peech T houghts E ffects on others A ctions L ooks
Indirect Characterization Example Meaning S peech T houghts E ffects on others A ctions L ooks

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