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Henrik Manum, student, NTNU

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1 Henrik Manum, student, NTNU
Extensions of Skogestad’s SIMC tuning rules to oscillatory and unstable processes Henrik Manum, student, NTNU

2 Project goals Extend the SIMC-rules to oscillatory and unstable processes Reduce the model at hand to a first or second order plus delay model can use existing SIMC-rules on the reduced model Derive new rules based on the given model

3 Reminder of the SIMC PID tuning rules
Assume we have a model on one of the following forms: SIMC-PID controller settings: Fast and robust

4 Processes covered Stable process with pair of complex poles
Unstable process with single real RHP pole

5 Stable process with pair of complex poles
Divide the processes into three parts Category A Pure 2nd order underdamped system Category B Damped oscillations, but a clear peak in the frequency domain Category C Peak less than steady state gain Main focus today

6 Category B Resonant peak, asymptotically:
Phase, empirical, from Bode-plot Conservative for all frequencies Most likely too complicated, but will use this as a starting-point.

7 Category B Justification for gain-approximation
Peak in gain for pure 2nd order under-damped process:

8 Category B

9 Category B So, we use the maximum gain to stay safe in gain, and we use the empirical phase-approximation to get a model on the form with the approximations given in the previous slides

10 Category B Direct synthesis of controller for the process (for setpoints) Pure I-controller

11 Category B Performance and robustness evaluation of the resulting I-controller Want to solve this optimization problem for a PI-controller and compare the resulting controller to our I-controller

12 Category B Naive solution to the optimization problem:

13 Category B Our I-controller

14 Category B Our I-controller

15 Category B Pros and cons with this method of controller evaluation
Difficult to find a solution SIMULINK model often diverges The problem is most likely non-convex Good graphical representation of trade-off between IAE and TV Further work: Look at method by Kristiansson and Lennartson. Frequency based approach Broader range of input-signals Probably easier to use in practice

16 The remaining processes
Category C: Same procedure as category B, but with I derived a 1st order model with a resulting PI-controller Categroy A: Pure oscillatory. Based on work done by prof. Skogestad, compared with method from literature Unstable process: Reviewed work by prof. Skogestad and compared to a method found in literature PLEASE CONSULT THE REPORT IF YOU HAVE INTEREST

17 Summary The goal of extending the SIMC rules to oscillatory and unstable processes has not been achieved, but we are closer to the goal than when we started The author has learned a lot, including: Frequency analysis Robustness and performance measures in frequency domain Properties of linear models in frequency domain in general Optimization used in practice Time domain analysis Experience with Matlab on control problems

18 References SIMC-rules Optimal controller
For more references see the report


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