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Workplace measures to promote LLL for older workers

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1 Workplace measures to promote LLL for older workers
Agora Conference, 12 October 2006, Brussels Tina Weber, Rapporteur CEEP Social Affairs Committee We have used the background research and information from the case study organisations working with us on the project to prepare a guide which we hope will help public sector employers and other organisations who are keen to actively managed demographic change in the workplace. Because this topic is becoming more and more prominent for policy makers and social partner organisations a lot of guidance material already exists at national level and some at European level (such as from the European foundation). Why do we need more and how is this different? National guidance tends to be specific to the national policy framework and does not necessarily work or apply at the European level. In addition there is no specific guidance targeted at public services employers. Why should this be relevant? Public service employers have – on the whole – a different and more ageing profile than their private sector counterparts. Secondly, public service employers face financial stringency due to pressure on public purses which means that in many cases they are unable to recruit younger worker and face particular challenges with regard to their pension systems. These factors mean that issues facing public service employers and slightly different and more acute.

2 Principles LLL – not just for older workers
Must be part of a strategy to maintain employability and adaptability around the lifecycle Core of social partner Framework of Actions on lifelong development of competencies and qualifications The guide is structured in two main sections: - Why employers should develop age aware policies Good practice As for the why – the guide looks at the challenges posed by demographic change; the business case for active workforce management and the importance of understanding the national policy context.

3 Workplace strategies and actions
Regular staff appraisal and career planning linked to business and service improvement objectives Access to training opportunities for all Overcome entrenched attitudes among managers and older workers Greater emphasis on sharing tacit knowledge and inter-generational learning Good practice guidance presented relates to the following key issues: establishing the status quo –where you are and to combine this with a strategy plan of where you would like to be. Workforce planning can therefore clearly be linked to strategic objectives Non-discriminatory recruitment policies, important not only to meet the requirements of non-discrimination legislation, but also to ensure the organisation has a representative and well balanced workforce profile Maintaining work-ability is a very broad concept which describes the lifecycle approach well – it emphasises the responsibilities of employers and workers for ongoing training, career development and health and safety Flexible working is important to ensure retention not only for workers with young families but also for older workers how increasingly have caring responsiblities It must be recognised that many of the issues discussed in relation to active workforce management and very sensitive in industrial relations terms – it is about pensions, work content, flexibility etc. It is therefore all the more important to implement a dialogue from start to finish which will keep everyone on board and generate an understanding of why certain measures are being taken. Implementing actions is not enough – they have to be regularly evaluated to ensure they achieve the desired results. Before exploring these is more detail it is important to point out what appears to be obvious. When we speak about older workers it almost appears that they could be defined as a uniform group. However, in order to manage the workforce successfully it must be understood that they have different motivations, financial background, health, occupational factors, age when they started work etc.

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