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LAT Environmental Test Planning and Design Review

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1 LAT Environmental Test Planning and Design Review
3-4 May 2005 Logistics Martin Nordby

2 Environmental Test Logistics Planning
Still in the early stages of logistics planning Major issues at-hand (in rough order of decreasing impact) Cleanliness and contamination control: the A-59 high and test facilities are NOT clean rooms  started working on contamination issues with GLAST contamination control lead What are controls needed for fully-integrated LAT What are protocols that need to be implemented at NRL to meet these controls CPT’s and LPT’s are still a not fully defined  final definitions of these will impact test durations (see charts to follow) Defining required pre-test checking/test runs of LAT EGSE and facility data acquisition system  this impacts the off-critical path schedule and drives need dates for EGSE and facility systems System safety and flight hardware protection Mechanical: hoisting and rigging requirements per LAT req’s from SLAC and NRL policy Electrical: once power and conditioning needs are understood, we will address protections Personnel protection, access, and workspace needs and availabilities: not started Staffing plans (see charts to follow) Started putting together personnel list for each test Staffing plans are less well understood: these will combine personnel lists with test schedules based on the tests scoped in the Test Plans

3 LAT Level CPT Time Estimate
LAT Level Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) Time Estimate Estimate is 90.5 hrs of test time Does not include assumptions for overhead Does not include SVAC runs Basis of Estimate Single tower test run time actuals Unfortunately these actuals may or may not apply since there is uncertainty as to the effect of testing multiple towers in parallel Data will not be available on parallel tower test until 4 Tower testing (late May – early April) Data only available for CAL and TKR testing Identified LAT Level test cases that will sell all requirements and validate all functions Engineering judgment was used to estimate the time required for each test case Assumes a high degree of parallel testing of the Detector Subsystems I&T has taken this as a requirement and is currently working on a solution to make this happen Will have a better idea that parallel test of the Detectors is feasible by 4 Tower test Assumes Flight Software tools are used (Config files, LCI, Event Handling) to conduct almost all tests

4 LAT Level CPT Test Cases (1 of )

5 LAT Level CPT Test Cases (2 of 2)

6 Key Personnel All key personnel have been identified and are actively working on test preparations In addition to test-specific personnel, there a number of functional support people Functional Support Leads LAT functional test planning: Rich Baun Facilities manager: Bill Raynor Logistics: Martin Nordby Data systems coordination: Brian Grist MGSE: Marc Campell (with Martin Nordby) EGSE: Mike Huffer (with Rich Bielawski) Test software: Ric Claus Utility infielder: Neil Johnson Key Test Personnel

7 Staffing Plan SLAC and NRL personnel required to staff testing
This will be populated as the test plans are finalized

8 QA Support Plans QA support of all testing and operations at NRL will largely be treated as an extension of LAT work done at SLAC This ensures that environmental testing dovetails with the current QA dataset and protocols already in use for LAT integration It avoids the need to develop a separate system using NRL procedures QA personnel SLAC will provide day-shift QE support on the floor at NRL for the duration of the test program SLAC will provide on-call swing-shift QE support from SLAC, with pager access to off-duty day-shift QE as-needed LAT will augment this as-needed (especially during T-Vac) with NRL/Swales QE’s Once the test schedule solidifies, this plan will be refined NCR/MRB processes The online SLAC NCR database will be used for all non-compliance reporting at NRL The MRB process will work similar to integration MRB’s Scheduled MRB’s: there will be recurring MRB’s to handle non-critical NCR’s (e.g.: those related to test set-up)

9 Summary Most of the key logistics issues need to be worked still
Once Test Plans are mature, test durations will be scoped and much of the staffing plans will then be developed (ECD: mid-June) Many of the operations-level logistics will be worked over the summer after the final designs and configurations of the tests are in place

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