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How to create your Webpage

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1 How to create your Webpage
Basic Skills Workshop October 11, 2018 Nicole Eikmeier

2 Initial Questions How many of you already have a webpage?
How do you edit your webpage? How many people are using a Mac? PC? Is there something specific you want to learn today?

3 What should you put on your Webpage?
Contact information ( , social sites) Link to CV/Resume A Picture Publications (if any) Information/Resources for your students (if teaching) Recent talks/activity




7 Absolute minimum to making your webpage
Create a file labeled index.html Put it in your WWW directory On a mac: TextEdit On a PC: Notepad On Linux: TextEditor Alternatives: If you are comfortable with the command line you can use emacs or vim Other text editors you use for coding (for example Atom, Notepad++)

8 HTML Code

9 HTML Code <html> … </html> Encloses all HTML code
<body> … </body> Body of text <p> … </p> Paragraph <h1> … </h1> Heading 1 <h2> … </h2> Heading 2 <ul> … </ul> Unordered list <li> … </li> List element <strong> … </strong> Bold text <a href = “website”>Name</a> Link <img src=“images/my-pic.png” alt=“My test image”> Insert Image

10 Demo on writing HTML

11 Making your webpage fancier
You can “steal” HTML code from other people’s webpages Just open the webpage, right click and select view page source 2. If you want tabs, you need a different .html file for each page

12 Absolute minimum to making your webpage
Create a file labeled index.html Put it in your WWW directory Option 1: Log into a math computer Option 2: Use SFB Software This is essentially the same as Option 1, but you don’t have to physically be in your office Option 3: Use the Terminal Need to be comfortable with Emacs or Vim to edit index.html Need to be comfortable with using ssh Option 4: Use VPN Need to install VPN off campus Then you can edit your files locally with whatever text editor you want

13 Option 2: Use SFB Software

14 Option 2: Use SFB Software

15 Option 2: Use SFB Software

16 Option 3: Use the Terminal
Mac/Linux Built into the system PC You need to download an SSH client One option that I tried and liked: Google Chrome’s Secure Shell App Search for others “SSH client for Windows”

17 Option 3: Use the Terminal

18 Terminal Demo

19 Option 4: Use VPN Step 1: Install VPN off campus Step 2: Use SMB

20 Option 4: Use VPN Step 1: Install VPN off campus Step 2: Use SMB
On Mac: Open finder → Go → Connect to Server smb:// smb://

21 Option 4: Use VPN Step 1: Install VPN off campus Step 2: Use SMB
windows-map-a-network-drive Step 1: Install VPN off campus Step 2: Use SMB On Windows: smb:\\\WWW smb:\\\username

22 Option 4: Use VPN Step 1: Install VPN off campus Step 2: Use SMB

23 Option 4: Use VPN Mac Instructions: content/uploads/2012/12/MacVPN.pdf PC Instructions: lSetupvia

24 Useful tricks SCP (transfer files to another location)
scp file.txt SSH (login to system remotely)

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