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Two samples of size 10 are taken from a dissolution apparatus.

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1 Two samples of size 10 are taken from a dissolution apparatus.
JMP Example 3 Two samples of size 10 are taken from a dissolution apparatus. The first one taken at a temperature of 35ºC and the second at a temperature of 37ºC. Using JMP, calculate the mean of each sample and use confidence limits to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of the two samples at the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05).

2 As shown in previous examples, open JMP and create a data table.

3 To show separate distributions of the data for each temperature reading, we need to divide the data into subsets. To start, left click on the first row. Keep the button held down on your mouse.

4 Drag the mouse vertically downwards to highlight the amount of rows you need for one subset. In this case, it is the first 10 rows.

5 Now left click on the “Tables” tab on the toolbar
Now left click on the “Tables” tab on the toolbar. This will produce a series of operations that can be performed on the data set.

6 Select the tab entitled, “Subset”.

7 The “Subset” window will then appear
The “Subset” window will then appear. There are a series of subset operations that may be performed, but for right now, all we want to do it change the new subset’s title.

8 The “Subset” window will then appear
The “Subset” window will then appear. There are a series of subset operations that may be performed, but for right now, all we want to do it change the new subset’s title. Then press OK.

9 A new data table will then appear, with the data we wanted to separate from the parent data table. The next step is to create a distribution of the data. This has already been covered in previous examples.

10 For this example, however, note that there are two columns of different data. We want a distribution of the yield for a particular temperature. Thus, we select the yield to be distributed.


12 Now, we repeat the process for the other subset of data.



15 After minimizing the unused windows, we then compare the two distributions. At first glance, it may appear they are very similar. However, the ranges are entirely different. Note the confidence intervals are supplied in the “Moments” section of the distribution window. This information also indicates significant differences.

16 We can change different specifications for the plots as shown in the previous example. Note the reference line placed at yield = 80. This will help us compare the two plots.

17 Now, we change different specifications for the plots as shown in the previous example. Also note, the reference line placed at 80.

18 This is repeated for the other distribution
This is repeated for the other distribution. However, the plots are not very clear. We use the “Grabber” cursor discussed previously to alter the plot. Left clicking the plot with the “Grabber” and dragging in different directions will alter the plot.

19 Above are two plots that may result
Above are two plots that may result. As is now visible, the two distributions are entirely different. While the variances are similar, the reference line and confidence intervals indicate a significant increase in the yield with an increase in temperature.

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