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Foreign Policy Visual Metaphor Quiz

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1 Foreign Policy Visual Metaphor Quiz
China Quote 1: “Today we are the poorest and weakest nation in the world and occupy the lowest position in international affairs. Other men are the carving knife and serving dish; we are the fish and the meat.” 1. Answer _____ Quote 2: “Our policy will bring about permanent peace and safety…and safeguard for the world the principle of equal and impartial trade..” 2. Answer _____ A. perspective of United States B. perspective of China

2 Cuba Quote 1: “The United States is seated at the table where the great game is played and it cannot leave it.” 3. Answer: _____ Quote 2: “It is my duty to prevent…the United States from spreading over the west Indies and falling with added weight upon other lands of Our America.” 4. Answer: _____ A. perspective of Cuba B. perspective of United States

3 Dominican Republic Quote 1: “Latin American and Caribbean countries need not fear intervention if they know how to act with decency. But if they show brutal wrong-doing or weakness..they must expect intervention..” 5. Answer: _____ Quote 2: “Latin American nations were physically unable to prevent United States intervention, and sought to find recourse against “Yankee imperialism”. 6. Answer: _____ A. perspective of Dominican Republic B. perspective of United States

4 Hawaii Quote 1: “The Hawaiian pear is fully ripe and this is the golden hour…to pluck it.” 7. Answer ____ Quote 2: “It was necessary to confiscate all plantations and drive foreigners from the islands.” Answer ____ A. perspective of Hawaii B. perspective of United States

5 Mexico Quote 1: “Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation.” 9. Answer _____ Quote 2: “Poor Mexico, so far from God, so near the United States.” 10. Answer: _____ A. perspective of Mexico B. perspective of United States

6 Panama Quote 1: “I do not see why we should dig the canal if we are not to fortify it so as to insure its being used for ourselves and against our foes.” 11. Answer: ____ Quote 2: “(we) sought to find recourse against “Yankee imperialism” by appealing to world opinion and international law.” 12. Answer: _____ A. perspective of Panama B. perspective of United States

7 Philippines Quote 1: “There are conclusive proofs that we had asked for a promise of eventual independence. “ 13. Answer: _____ Quote 2: “Imperialism is justified as the natural and necessary expansion of the superior Anglo-Saxon people.” 14. Answer: _____ A. perspective of Philippines B. perspective of United States

8 Puerto Rico Quote 1: “To think that the Yankees are going to give us all their freedoms and all their progress for our pretty face is to think blindfolded.” 14. Answer: _____ Quote 2:“The US government must channel the energies of Americans toward the expansion of trade abroad. Increased foreign trade will create jobs that might give ambitious people the same opportunity the frontier had once provided.” 15. Answer: _____ A. perspective of Puerto Rico B. perspective of United States

9 Place all Eight on the Foreign Policy Spectrum
Place all Eight on the Foreign Policy Spectrum. Justify each placement with 2-3 sentences. Isolationist Collective Security Internationalism Imperialism Justifications: China: Cuba: Dominican Republic: Hawaii: Mexico: Panama: Philippines: Puerto Rico:

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