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Agenda 9/28/16 Late Start Elements of Art & Principles of Design Group Presentations Continued Sketchbook #10: Discuss 1 photo from each presentation:

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 9/28/16 Late Start Elements of Art & Principles of Design Group Presentations Continued Sketchbook #10: Discuss 1 photo from each presentation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 9/28/16 Late Start Elements of Art & Principles of Design Group Presentations Continued Sketchbook #10: Discuss 1 photo from each presentation: Explain what appeals to you about each photo Explain the elements and principles emphasized 3) Composition Presentation Part 1 Continued 4) Sketchbook #11: Notes on Composition Part 1 5) Composition Project Part 1 -Research

2 Sketchbook #11: Take notes on the Composition Presentation Part 1. For each rule of composition, write the rule and definition and provide a bullet point list of facts. Sketch any helpful diagrams.

3 End of class Procedure Log out
Clean up your work area: throw all trash, return supplies and books to materials table, push in your chair Wait at your desk until the bell rings

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