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Tomhais Mo Phost RSO Mo Shaol atá ag Athrú How to play the game:

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1 Tomhais Mo Phost RSO Mo Shaol atá ag Athrú How to play the game:
The game is based on the ‘classic’ Kids T.V show ‘Runaround’! (You will need plenty of floor space for this activity) Begin the activity by asking the students to name different Posts people do in a supermarket Display on a wall (one beside the other) pre-prepared Post titles (signs) printed on A4 sheets - these will include ‘Butcher’, ‘Baker’, ‘Greengrocer’, ‘Florist’ - you may add one or two others. Have the students stand in the middle of the room and look at the wall opposite the ‘signs’ - this is the wall you should project the presentation on to. Explain the rules of the game: When a clue is given, the students should decide who this Post belongs to (they should try to do this on their own). When they decide, you will call out “Runaround’ at which point the students ‘run’ and stand in a line in front of the Post they think is right. You should discuss after each clue why they think they are in the right place They should turn around to view the next clue and after you call “Runaround” they can change their position Repeat

2 Post 1 Caithim cóta bán agus hata de ghnáth.
Éirím go hiontach luath ar maidin. Bíonn sé iontach te i m’áit oibre. Cuirim comhábhair éagsúla le chéile.

3 Báicéir © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

4 Post 2 Caithim cóta bán agus naprún in amanna.
Bíonn sé fuar i m’áit oibre. Bím iontach gnóthach ag an Nollaig. Bíonn orm a bheith cúramach mar bím ag obair le sceana géara.

5 Búistéir © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

6 Post 3 Caithim naprún le mo chuid éadaí a choinneáil glan.
Bím iontach gnóthach ar Lá Fhéile Vailintín. Bíonn boladh deas ag teacht ó chuid de na rudaí a mbím ag obair leo. Cuirim rudaí in uisce chun iad a choinneáil.

7 Bláthadóir © Monkey Business –

8 Post 4 Caithim cóta nó naprún le mo chuid éadaí a choinneáil glan.
Bím ag obair le rudaí de gach dath agus de gach cruth. B’fhéidir go mbeadh ort na rudaí i m’áit oibre a mheá. Déanann na rudaí a oibrím leo maitheas duit. (Ba cheart cúig cinn a ithe sa lá.)

9 Grósaeir Glasraí © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

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