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Hunger Games Film Study

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1 Hunger Games Film Study
Do Now: What are the character traits of someone you look up to or admire? What are the character traits of someone you dislike or hate? Hunger Games Film Study

2 What is Characterization in literature?
Characterization in literature is the process authors use to develop characters and create images of the characters for the audience. There are two different approaches to characterization, including direct characterization and indirect characterization. With the direct approach, the author tells us what he or she wants us to know about the character. With indirect characterization, the author shows us things about the character to help us have an understanding of the character's personality and effect on other characters.

3 Methods of Characterization:
Notes Methods of Characterization: Physical description: How is the character’s facial expressions, appearance, and clothing described? Action/attitude: What choices and actions does the character make? Inner thoughts: What does the character think? Reactions: How does the character respond to what happens around him/her? Speech: What does the character say?

4 How is Mary characterized?
Practice Mary could feel her heart pounding as she entered the cafeteria at lunch on her first day at her new school. She felt a little out of place as she looked around and saw how everyone seemed to know each other. As a group of girls approached her she got nervous and dropped her books; they started to laugh. She quickly gathered her books, stood up tall and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Mary, apparently I’m clumsy when I’m nervous” she giggled with a smile on her face. Surprised by her recovery, the girls said hello and invited her to eat lunch with them. She declined politely and made her way over to join a table of students she met in class earlier. The group welcomed her and they chatted all through lunch. How is Mary characterized?

5 Film Study: Vocabulary Words
What is a utopia? an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect

6 Film Study: Vocabulary Words
What is a dystopia? an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one.

7 Film Study: The Hunger Games
Can a utopia exist? film viewing double sided journal entries film analysis

8 Film Viewing: How are the characters in HG characterized?
Procedure: listening/watching and completing work short clips each day focused double sided journal entries every day film element analysis 1.action- Katniss yells at her mom 1.This action characterizes Katniss as responsible because she is being the mature one in her family. film element analysis view to 32 minutes (holding hands)

9 film element analysis Katniss hunts to feed her family Katniss volunteers for Prim Cinna dressed Katniss & Peeta in fire

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