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Sky Software ® Point-of-Sale System (P.O.S. ® User) WARNING: P.O.S. ® software is registered trademarks and is protected by copyright law and international.

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Presentation on theme: "Sky Software ® Point-of-Sale System (P.O.S. ® User) WARNING: P.O.S. ® software is registered trademarks and is protected by copyright law and international."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sky Software ® Point-of-Sale System (P.O.S. ® User) WARNING: P.O.S. ® software is registered trademarks and is protected by copyright law and international treaties

2 Introduction

3 What is P.O.S.?

4 Login Screen Touch Screen Enter your name and password Hotel Logo

5 Main Screen Click Login to return back to the login screen Click Arabic to display the screens and the menus in Arabic Language

6 Outlets Select the Outlet that you are authorized to access from the list. Double-click on the Outlet… or just select the Outlet and click Select.

7 Serving Periods Choose the Serving Period of the outlet from the list. Also, double- click on the Serving Period, or click Select.

8 Menus Choose the Menu from the list. Also, double- click on the Menu, or click Select.

9 Tables Click here for a larger view for the Tables List … Tables name Tables status Number of seats

10 Tables Select Blinking text indicating that the table is still opened … Check Shows the details for the selected item to the left Add items to the check Close the check

11 Tables Select Post Show Food menu Show Beverage menu Back to Tables Select window

12 Tables Select Post Food Up one levelRefresh the screen Food menu

13 Tables Select Post Food (example, Breakfast Menu) Breakfast menu Use the UP/Down buttons to view the hidden menu items Oriental Breakfast

14 Tables Select Post Food (example, Breakfast Menu) Enter quantityEnter seat number Press Enter when finished

15 Tables Select Post Food (example, Breakfast Menu) The Save and Cancel buttons are active now Click Save in order for your modifications to take effect A confirmation window appears Otherwise, press Cancel to abort

16 Tables Select Discounts Select from the list the discount you wish to apply to the check … Double click on it … or just click Select

17 Tables Select Order Shows a preview of the check Click here to close this window Current check page

18 Tables Select Transactions Cancels the current check Returns the selected item. It will not appear in the printed check Deletes only the selected item

19 Tables Select Transactions (Transfer) Moves Items from one check to another Source checkDestination check Specify the destination check Transfer all items in the check or just the selected item When finished, Save the modifications

20 Tables Select Transactions (Edit Covers) Specify the new number of covers here Click Enter and Save Otherwise, press ESC

21 Tables Select Transactions (Split) Splits the current check into two checks Transfer all items to the new check or just move the selected item to the new check Save when finished

22 Tables Select Transactions (Merge) Merges two checks into one check Check ACheck B Select check B Merge A and B into B or merge A and B into A

23 Tables Select Transactions (User Log) Shows the history of the users transactions

24 Tables Select Pay There are several payment methods Cash Master Visa RoomsChecks City Ledger Officer check

25 Tables Select Pay (Cash + Checks + City Ledger) Enter the amount The change automatically appears Press Enter

26 Tables Select Pay (Master + Visa) Enter the credit card number and press Enter

27 Tables Select Pay (Rooms) Enter the room number that the check will be transferred to

28 Tables Select Pay (Officer Check) Specify the officer name that the check will be transferred to his account

29 Tables Select Modify Modify the details of the checkEnter your modifications here Press Enter Then, Save your modifications

30 Tables Select Print Step 1: Print the check without payment Step 2: Print the payment only Or you can print the whole check

31 Tables New Check Enter number of covers and seat numberIf nontaxable, check it … and specify the reason Hit Enter when finished

32 Tables New Check Post As before, select items from the Food and/or the Beverage menus, and then click Save

33 Tables Take Away The same procedure applies here. As the name implies; Take Away, there are no tables reserved for this type of orders.

34 Checks Filter Select Table Select check status

35 Opened Checks Cashier transferTable transfer Check detailsCheck totals

36 Opened Checks (Cashier Transfer and Table Transfer) Select the destination cashier you wish to transfer You can also transfer tables …

37 Closed Checks You can re-open a closed checkOr you can change or adjust a closed check Note that some functions are not permitted for all users

38 Cancelled Checks A cancelled check can be re-activated once again

39 Options For Front Office system Run night audit Enter your login name and password

40 Options Reports Back

41 Options Reports Options Reports General Report Specify time interval Select Outlets What type of report? What check you wish to include?

42 Options Reports Options Reports Transactions Report Select items Select transaction type Specify check number and user Group by Date, check, outlet, item, transaction type, or user

43 Options Reports Options Reports History Report Shows a preview of the report. You can print all reports, selected or summary report for the specified check. Specify Outlets.

44 Options Reports Options Reports Closed Check, All Checks, and Cashier Summary Reports Select Outlets Select the type of the daily check report to print.


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