Membership Retention and Recruitment 2017

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1 Membership Retention and Recruitment 2017

2 Six Steps to Membership Retention & Recruitment
Decide Your Branch Membership Strategy Create SMART Goals that Fulfill Your Strategy Include Mission Based Programming Be Inclusive and Seek Diversity Leverage Social Media Close the Deal 8/6/2017

3 Decide Your Branch Membership Strategy
Your branch has a personality – leverage it! Clearly state the value your branch brings to your members and community. Develop the strategy or vision of what you want to achieve this year. One that will increase the impact of your branch to the community in the way that your members support and value. Leverage your Shape the Future reduced new member national dues and free memberships. 8/6/2017

4 Create SMART Goals to Fulfill that Strategy
Include branch members in developing your goals and tactics through a survey, or a structured meeting. The goals should be SMART – S, specific; M, measurable; A, achievable; R, relevant; T, timebound. Develop about 3 specific tactics for each of your goals. 8/6/2017

5 Include Mission Based Programming
Statistically branches focused on mission based programming are vital and growing. Those branches without mission based programming are those that are not likely to grow. Be sure you understand the mission of AAUW, how you articulate it and apply it in your community. With the Board, select areas of emphasis that are important to your community and will help you meet your branch membership goals. Leverage AAUW National’s newest research “Deeper in Debt, Women and Student Loans”. Program-In-A Box provides guidance on many topics found on the AAUW website. Adelante books for this past year has an author webinar available on-line and AAUW national will be continuing this program for the books that are already listed for Videos found on AAUW’s website are a great introduction U-tube also has great videos Try using Ted-talks on appropriate topics 8/6/2017

6 Be Inclusive and Seek Diversity
Be a reflection of your community Decide the components of diversity that you will work on this year – don’t try to do it all! Make a list of organizations you can collaborate with that include diversity your branch is targeting. Listen to the stakeholders of that diverse group and if needed make changes to your branch that will make them feel more comfortable and included. 8/6/2017

7 Leverage Social Media Try new and updated ways of introducing your branch to the community Your website is your window to the community. Facebook and other media are imperative to branch health. Try new ways of inviting the community to your meetings – Meet Up 8/6/2017

8 Close the Deal Don’t forget to ask people to join your branch!
Do this after you have established a relationship with the individual. Be sure they know the mission of AAUW and the personality of your branch. Make sure they feel welcomed. Then include them in some small leadership opportunities so that you retain their interest year after year You want them to be a member for life! 8/6/2017

9 AAUW Membership Timeline
July December 1 January 1 March 15 Renewing Members Renew Members Branch Half Price Membership Membership (7/1 – 11/30) Membership Membership For Next Rosters Cleared Begins Fiscal Year Of Non-renewing For Current Begins Members Fiscal Year Shape The Future - New Members New Members Half Price + Shape New Members Join ½ Price for The Future Savings Join For Next National Membership For Current Fiscal Year Fiscal Year At ½ (Memberships expire Price for National /30) Dues 8/6/2017

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