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ECE 875: Electronic Devices

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1 ECE 875: Electronic Devices
Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering Michigan State University

2 Lecture 35, 07 Apr 14 Chp 06: MOSFETs
Channel Current IDS (n-channel p-substrate) Full IDS, use equation (23): Linear Saturation Intermediate regimes M VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

3 ID Lec 34: in charge sheet and constant mobility approximation:
Add VFB to (19): VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

4 Lec 34: Example: What regime? Answer:
Not clear but not needed. VT is a requirement that is fixed by the materials properties of the semiconductor and the insulator (oxide) What is the HW question? VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

5 Lec 34: Example: What regime? Answer:
Not clear but not needed. VT is a requirement that is fixed by the materials properties of the semiconductor and the insulator (oxide) What is the HW question? Answer: find the channel doping. VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

6 Behavior regimes Saturation: VD ≈ VG - VT Linear: VD < VG - VT
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

7 Linear Regime: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

8 In initial pinch: Qn(y=L) =0
Saturation Regime: In initial pinch: Qn(y=L) =0 VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

9 Saturation Regime: in initial pinch: Qn(y=L) =0
Lec 33: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

10 Saturation regime: Example: where is VDsat in eq’n (20)?
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

11 Saturation regime: Answer: VDsat = Dyi(y=L) VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

12 Saturation Regime: in initial pinch: Qn(y=L) =0
K is a function of doping concentration and oxide capacitance: thickness and dielectric choice VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

13 Saturation Regime: in initial pinch: Qn(y=L) =0
(also dielectric choice) VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

14 Saturation regime: New:
Note the influence of M(NA, dox) on VDsat, transconductance gm and IDsat VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

15 Intermediate Regime: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

16 VT: NA VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

17 VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

18 VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

19 Use Fig. 22, Chp. 04 to find “a” value for fms:
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14 Which line matches Pr. 6.07?

20 Use Fig. 22, Chp. 04 to find “a” value for fms:
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14 Answer: Given: n+-poly on p-Si.

21 Why “a” value for fms : since fms is also a function of NA
Why “a” value for fms : since fms is also a function of NA. Therefore Pr has an iterative solution VM Ayres, ECE875, S14


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