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2 The Politics of Reconstruction Section 1
Lincoln favored lenient reconstruction Wanted South's return as soon as possible 10-Percent Plan Pardon all Confederates except high ranking officials & those accused of crimes against prisoners of war 10 percent of voters had to swear to be loyal to the union The state then could be admitted into the Union

3 Reconstruction Cont. Lincoln's plan angered many people --> Radical Republicans Wade-Davis Bill Said congress was responsible for Reconstruction Lincoln pocket vetos the bill making congress angry

4 Johnson's Plan Remaining Confederate states could become part of the Union if: swear allegiance to the Union Pay Confederate war debts Ratify the 13th amendment Johnson wished to keep wealthy southerners from taking the oath Angered most radicals (Failed to help slaved with voting rights) Relieved most Southerners

5 Johnson Cont. All states agree to the terms (form the most part)
Johnson pardons all 58 sat in Confederate Congress 6 Served in Confederate Cabinet 4 Fought as Confederate Generals All served in New U.S. Congress

6 Standstill of Reconstruction
Congress refuses to admit newly elected Southern legislators Freedmen's Bureau Assist former slaves and poor whites in the South Set up more than 40 hospitals and 4,000 Schools 61 Industrial institutes and 74 teacher trainer centers

7 Civil Rights act of 1866 Gave African Americans citizenship
forbade states from passing "Black Codes" Johnson vetoes Both

8 Moderates and Radicals
Fourteenth Amendment "All persons born or naturalized in the United States" Equal protection of the law Could not be deprived of person of live, liberty, or property

9 Johnson Impeached Felt Johnson was not carrying out his constitutional obligations Congress Passes Tenure of Office Act President could not remove cabinet officers during the presidential term Johnson wanted to test it so he fires Secretary of War Congress Impeaches Johnson - Impeachment is one vote short

10 Election U.S. Grant was elected 15th Amendment
No one can be kept from voting based on "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"

11 Reconstruction Society Section 2
Conditions Civil War took place mostly in the South Sherman Alone million worth of damage Southern States had large projects rebuilding

12 Public Works Programs Built roads, bridges, railroads, orphanages, public school systems South had to increase taxes slowing the regions recovery

13 Voters 9 out of 10 times African Americans supported the Republican party White Southerners had a problem accepting African Americans

14 Challenges African American Freedoms
Ex-Slaves had a problem adjusting to the freedom Became eager to move away from plantation life Families African Americans went to extreme lengths to find family members Freedman's bureau began helping find lost families

15 Education 80% of African Americans were illiterate
Schools were set up all over to educate free slaves Southerners were angry at this fact and used violence By ,000 African Americans were enrolled in elementary schools

16 Politics For the first time African Americans held offices in local, state, and federal governments

17 Sharecropping African Americans did not have their own land
This forced many slaves to sign contracts with planters Worker would receive a few acres, seed & tools At the end of the season the worker would give the planter a portion of their crops

18 The Collapse of Reconstruction Section 3
Ku Klux Klan Social club for Confederate veterans Became violent and main goal was to restore white supremacy

19 Economic Pressure KKK would either destroy property or would not do business with them

20 Problems Grant No political experience
Often selected friends into appointments Often had scandals This causes the republicans to become split

21 Election of 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes Vs. Samuel J. Tilden
First time someone lost the popular but won the electoral

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