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The Giver- Journal Entries

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1 The Giver- Journal Entries

2 Directions: Bring out a loose leaf sheet of paper
Directions: Bring out a loose leaf sheet of paper. Write your heading and the following title on your paper: The Giver- Chapter Journal Entries After each chapter we will write a journal entry. Each entry must be at least 5-6, well thought out, detailed sentences. I will collect all entries at the end of the novel. Grades will be based on completion, how well thought out your responses are, and how neat your papers are.

3 Chapter 1-Journal Entry
At the end of the evening meal, each person in the community must share his/her feelings with the members of his/her family unit. What is significant about this ritual?

4 Chapter 2-Journal Entry
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being given a lifetime job? explain.

5 Chapter 3-Journal Entry
Do you think public humiliation is a good method of punishment? Why or why not?

6 Chapter 4-Journal Entry
How would you describe release in Jonas’ community? Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not? How would this work in our society?

7 Chapter 5-Journal Entry
Jonas says that it is better to talk about ways people are the same instead of different. In what ways does Jonas’ community try to avoid differences? Do you think this is beneficial to a society? Why or why not?

8 Chapter 6-Journal Entry
In this chapter there is mention of “Elsewhere”. Describe what you think “Elsewhere” is. What does it look like? Where is it located? Is it even a place?

9 Chapter 7-Journal Entry
Would you like to be considered an adult and begin training for your lifetime job at the age of 12? Why or why not? Explain.

10 Chapter 8-Journal Entry
Jonas is said to have intelligence. He’s also told that he will soon gain the wisdom he needs for his job. What do you think are the differences between intelligence and wisdom? Give examples.

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