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Presentation on theme: "Slavery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slavery

2 Slavery in Africa Slavery had deep roots in Africa
Labor is something worth fighting for because of the low population density Captives were a resource to be won Slaves were almost always prisoners of war Some sold themselves in order to avoid starvation

3 Not large scale slavery (like in the New World)
No factory mines/plantations Africans lived in small communities = close slave/master relationship

4 Why Slavery in the New World?
Within 100 years, almost 95% of the native populations wiped out Needed workers for labor intensive farming Sugar in particular

5 Slavery in the New World
Chattel Slavery Slaves are property and can be traded No rights Expected to perform the command of a master


7 The Slavery Continuum New World slavery Cinderella

8 Capture and the Middle Passage
After capture, Africans were packed tightly into slave ships. The death rate of the “passengers” was 25-50%.

9 The Middle Passage




13 Destination, Auction, and Seasoning
Most Africans landed in Brazil less in North America. They learned an European language, were named an European name, and were shown labor requirements.

14 Why Not Enslave the Native Population?
Native Americans were highly likely to catch European diseases. They were familiar with the terrain and could escape easier.

15 Reasons for Using Enslaved African Labor
Proximity- It only took 2-6 weeks to get to the colonies from the Caribbean at first. Experience- They had previous experience and knowledge working in sugar and rice production. Immunity from diseases- Less likely to get sick due to prolonged contact over centuries. Low escape possibilities- They did not know the land, had no allies, and were highly visible because of skin color.

16 Other forms of Coerced labor in the New World
In your textbook write an identification for the following (make sure to include what it is, how it work, where it is was, and what effects it had on Native people): Indentured Servitude Spanish adaptation of the Inca mit’a system

17 How did plantations drive the slave trade in the Americas?
Question to Answer How did plantations drive the slave trade in the Americas?

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