2014 St. Louis Earth Day Festival Volunteer Orientation General Volunteer Information: 4pm – 4:45pm 6pm – 6:45pm Break Out Sessions for specialized training:

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2 2014 St. Louis Earth Day Festival Volunteer Orientation General Volunteer Information: 4pm – 4:45pm 6pm – 6:45pm Break Out Sessions for specialized training: 4:45pm-5:15pm - Information Booth - Crowd Counting/Email Collection Campaign 6:45pm – 7:15pm - Recycling On the Go (Waste Stations) - Recycling Extravaganza - Crowd Counting/Email Collection Campaign

3 EARTH DAY EVE Saturday, April 26, 2014 | 4pm – 7pm The Muny, Forest Park ST. LOUIS EARTH DAY FESTIVAL Sunday, April 27, 2014 | 11am – 6pm The Muny grounds of Forest Park RECYCLING EXTRAVAGANZA Sunday, April 27, 2014 | 10am – 4pm St. Louis Community College - Forest Park Campus, off Oakland Avenue

4 Check-In Procedure: All Festival & Earth Day Eve volunteers: 1. Report to the Volunteer Tent. (located across from Muny Box Office, next to the red First Aid tent) 2. Sign-in with Kristen. 3. Receive task assignment and direction. 4. Report to appropriate shift location and check in with Volunteer Leader or area supervisor, (if applicable). 5. Have fun! Check-In Procedure: Recycling Extravaganza volunteers: 1. Report to Paul at St. Louis Community College, Forest Park Campus. (DO NOT report to the Festival). 2. Go to the St. Louis Earth Day tent.

5 Reserved Volunteer Parking


7 Whos Who Assigned as NeededKristen & John Trailnet Bike ValetBarrett - Trailnet Earth Day EveCassie & Cindy Eco-Art ActivitySue - Teachers Recycle Center Entertainment SupportKDHX Stage Managers, Phil, Justin Information BoothKathy - Info Booth Neighborhood CaptainsKristen & Kathy Crowd Counting & DonationCatherine Redfern (at Info Booth) Recycling ExtravaganzaPaul & Bob Recycling On the GoBob & ROG Staff Set-Up CrewKristen, Kathy, John Tear Down CrewKristen, Kathy, Jeanette


9 Visitors Center Volunteer Parking Wellness, Home & Pet, Nature Earth Day Cafe Farmers Market, Transportation, Arts & Crafts RRR, EnergyMuny Covered Walkway

10 COMMUNICATION Jeanette (Logistics) Kristen (Volunteer Coordinator) & Kathy (Vendor Relations) Experienced Volunteers (John) Your Volunteer Shift Team YOU!

11 Volunteer Hospitality YOUR STUFF: There will be designated bins at the Volunteer Tent for you to leave your belongings. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Mark your items with name when you leave something. Volunteer Meals & Breaks Volunteer meals will be served at the Volunteer Tent Lunch = 12pm (Saturday & Sunday) Dinner = 5pm (Sunday only) Meals include food only, please come prepared with a water bottle Sunday Festival Volunteers: Shifts which begin prior to 2pm = lunch. Shifts which begin at 2pm or after = dinner. Breakfast: Bagels and coffee. *Please bring a mug or thermos for coffee on Sunday morning. Saturday Set-Up Volunteers: All Saturday volunteers receive lunch.

12 What to Bring

13 General Points/Expectations Keep in mind that you will be representing St. Louis Earth Day and conduct yourself in a professional manner. Remember that good communication is key, and that you are seen as an important resource for Festival visitors who want to enhance their experience. Be respectful of fellow volunteers, staff, vendors, exhibitors, Festival visitors, etc. If you see a situation that makes you uncomfortable, please report it to Kristen at the Volunteer Tent. When in doubt: (1) visit the Festival website (2) ask a friend (3) then email Kristen (volunteer@stlouisearthday.org) (4) be patient Have fun!


15 Earth Day Eve

16 2014 St. Louis Earth Day Festival Volunteer Orientation General Volunteer Information: 4pm – 4:45pm 6pm – 6:45pm Break Out Sessions for specialized training: 4:45pm-5:15pm - Information Booth - Crowd Counting/Email Collection Campaign 6:45pm – 7:15pm - Recycling On the Go (Waste Stations) - Recycling Extravaganza - Crowd Counting/Email Collection Campaign

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