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Squirrels Class Miss Moore: Monday pm
Tuesday am, Wednesday am, Thursday and Friday Mrs Stone: Monday – Thursday Friday morning only Mr Arnold: Monday am
North Newton Primary School Squirrels Timetable Autumn term 2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0845 Class Activities (R) Class Activities (M) Class Activities (S) Class activities (T) 0900 Registration 0905 0930 SPAG PE Maths 1030 BREAK AND SNACK TIME in class – 20 MINS 1050 1115 SS Times tables 1050 – 1150 English 1150 – 1220 Guided reading Handwriting 1050 – 1140 Maths 1140 – 1230 English Clarinet 1230 LUNCH – 60 MINS 1330 Assembly 1.30 – 1415 French 1330 – 1430 ICT/Topic Science Swimming 1420 – 1500 RE 13: 1400 – 1500 Topic 1430 – 1500 Celebration Assembly 1500 1515 Class reader
Morning Routine Drinks, PE bags and book bags in lockers and coats on coat pegs. Please drop your children at the classroom door to encourage independence. Please encourage children to put money/letters etc. into the Squirrels post box independently. Children will have different activities to do each morning so it important that they settle quickly. Free reader: reading books to be changed at the library 8.45am – 9am. Children reading can be changed in Foxes after school. Medicine: speak with Mrs Stone
English ‘Talk for Writing’ approach. – Immerse, Imitate, Innovate, Invent! This term our first story will be Nail Soup. Children will be bringing home a text map to help them learn it with actions. Later in the term, children will be learning how to write an instructional text. We will link our English to our topic through this. Punctuation and Grammar is a key aspect of the curriculum, so the children will be learning lots of new terminology and how to use it correctly in their writing.
Spellings and Grammar Children will be given a new spelling list on a Tuesday and will be tested on a Friday. The children will be given lots of opportunity throughout the week to learn and practice the spelling rules for the week. Grammatical features and a range of punctuation will also be taught. Focus: spelling rules and application of spelling in work Word list for Year 3 and 4 (statutory requirement)
Maths In Maths, the focus for the Autumn term is: Place Value
Addition and Subtraction: mental and formal methods Homework: Focus: fluency of number facts. Maths logs: recorded and signed 4x a week for 5 minutes
Maths Test Times tables –
Children will practise times tables in school every Monday Brain Barometer: weekly Monday test. Children complete 50 in 5 minutes. Please note children are now expected to be able to instantly recall their, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 times tables by the end of year 3 (5, 10, 2s by end of year 2). All children need to be able to recall all times table up to 12x12 byt the end of Year 4. Children will bring their test sheets home for you to see their progress however their name will be displayed in the classroom next to their current target if you are unsure of what they should be working on. 1 House Point for improving their last score 2 House points for moving up a target
Reading Logs READING – please read with your children as much as possible as it is an important part of their learning. Reading books will get checked every Monday and house points awarded. Parents/carers/older siblings must sign. 1 HP -4 x a week 2hp – 7x a week
Swimming Children will be going swimming at Blackbrook on a Tuesday afternoon. We will be arriving back at school at the slightly later time of 3.35pm We will travel to the pool by coach, however parent helpers will still be needed each week. All children will now be required to wear a swimming cap under GLL rules. If they are lost it will cost £1 for a replacement. Children will not be allowed to swim unless they are wearing a hat. Colours are as follows: Red – Non-swimmer Amber – Weak swimmer Green – Competent swimmer
Class Information Each termly newsletter will update you as to what our topic is. Your child can bring in books relating to this topic if you have any. PE – Monday and Thursday morning – children will come to school in their PE kit but must bring their uniform to change into for the rest of the day. Please feel free to ask for an update of your child’s progress throughout the year or if you have any concerns that you would like to raise. Please inform us if your child is going home with another family or family member. We will NOT allow a child to go with a different adult unless we have your permission.
Reward System Whole school Behaviour and achievement based
House points – house gems English and Maths Stars Class star of the week – Nutty Celebration assembly in squirrels and Foxes classroom. A text will be sent out to advise you if your child have been chosen.
School Information Rules and expectations of the school:
we encourage independent learning and have high standards of behaviour and engagement in learning. Open door policy – Please feel free to see your teacher at the end of the day after school ends. Alternatively arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher if your require a longer discussion time.
School Information Safeguarding and Online Safety –
Please continue to talk to your child about online safety and use of online site such as YouTube. There is a Children’s YouTube that has enhanced safety. Parent Voice – Please view the School Website to learn: Who the School Governors are How to best support your children in reading, writing maths etc. Up to date information and newsletters and key information and policies. Sickness – 48 hours after the last bout of sickness and diarrhoea. DBS – If you haven’t already signed up please leave your name with us after the talk so we can arrange for Mrs Haysham in the office to contact you.
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